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《灵界经历》 第2915节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2915

2915. Conversely, spirits also, by a searching look into me, take [things] out of my memory. This is a common intuitive power the source of which they do not know, and they are within its field, so it is not their own power. When it is theirs, then I was affected in various and different ways as if my brain, inwardly, were being drawn as it were-its membrane, the bones of my head, the scalp, diversely, as well as other parts. For I observed when they let go that the painful pulling stopped at once.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2915

2915. On the other hand [vicissim] spirits also by means of intuitions in me, take forth from my memory that which is a common [general] intuition: though they are ignorant, whence [it comes], and in whose sphere they are: wherefore it is not proper [propria] to them. When it is their proper [sphere] then I was affected in various and diverse manners, by an attraction as it were of the cerebrum, on the interior, its membrane, bones of the head, skin, with diversity, besides other things, for I have observed, when they remitted, that immediately was remitted the painful attraction.

Experientiae Spirituales 2915 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2915. Viciisim etiam spiritus per intuitiones in me, ex memoria mea desumunt: quod est intuitio communis, quam nesciunt unde, et [in] cujus sphaera sunt, quare non eorum propria est: cum eorum est, tunc vario et diverso modo afficiebar atrahendo quasi cerebrum, interius, ejus membranam, ossa capitis, cutem, cum diversitate, praeter alia, nam observavi cum remitterent, quod illico remissa esset attractio dolorifica.

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