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《灵界经历》 第2913节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2913

2913. The law of retaliation [applies] in the other life, and vice brings this with it

Very often I have been prompted to tell spirits on whom evil had been afflicted that they are the cause of the evil [see 2438, 2776, 2905] that vice or evil has this with it, or inherent in the evil is the property that it twists back upon him in a remarkable manner, this being precisely the law of retaliatio For such as the evil is such as he is who commits the evil, such is the evil twisted back upon him, or which returns him. Let there be this one example of how it works, though it happens in an infinite number of ways: certain ones wanted annoy me in sleep take away all my sleep, so there were others who were annoying them the whole night I was sleeping. Thus they were the cause of this evil it was being twisted back upon them as an evil of retaliatio It is different in other cases, depending on the evil him whom the evil belongs. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2913


It was often granted to tell this to spirits on whom evil is inflicted, that they are the cause of evil, and that vice or evil contains this in itself or that in evil there is such [a principle] that it is reflected back [retorqueatur] on him, in a wonderful manner: which also is the law [jus] of retaliation: for such as is the character of the evil, and such as is the character of him who permits evil, such is the evil that is reflected [back] [retroquetur] upon him, or returns to him. How this is, although it occurs in infinite modes, take this single example. Certain ones wished to trouble me in sleep, and to take away all my sleep: wherefore there were others who troubled them all night, and I slept. Thus they were the cause of this evil [which befell them], and it was reflected back on them, as the evil of retaliation. It is different with others, according to the evil and him on whom the evil is inflicted. - 1748, August 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2913 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2913. Quod jus talionis in altera vita, et quod vitium hoc secum habeat

Saepius hoc dicere datum spiritibus [vide 2438, 2776, 2905], quibus malum inflictum est, quod ii in causa sint mali, et quod vitium seu malum hoc secum habeat, seu in malo sit tale, ut retorqueatur in eum, mirabiliter, quod etiam est jus talionis, nam quale est malum, et qualis is qui committit malum, tale malum ei retorquetur, seu ad eum redit; quomodo se habet, tametsi infinitis modis fit, sit unum hoc exemplum: quidam me vexare voluerunt in somno, et omnem somnum adimere, quare alii erant qui vexabant eos tota nocte, et ego dormiebam, ita ii in causa erant hujus mali, et retorquebatur in eos, ut malum talionis, aliter in aliis, secundum malum, et eum cui est malum. 1748, 25 Aug.

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