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《灵界经历》 第2917节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2917

2917. About the bodies of spirits

I spoke with new spirits, specifically about bodies. They supposed just as others do that they were clothed with a body like the human body, for their imaginative faculty and inward humanity leads them to that point, namely to the ultimate of order, which is the body. But it was given me to reply to them that I do not know in what kind of body they are, only that they are most perfectly shaped for every use, so they could be called spiritual, and heavenly, forms.

This was symbolically confirmed by the little worms that being transformed and becoming winged, then obtain a different bodily form adapted to every use to which they are borne in their second lifetime. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2917


I spoke with new spirits: also concerning [their] bodies: they supposed, like others, that they are clothed with a similar human body, for to this their imagination and interior man leads them, to wit, to the ultimate of order, which is the body: But it was given to reply to them that I do not know of what quality their body is, but that they are forms highly finished for every use, so that they can be called spiritual and celestial forms. It was representatively confirmed by little worms, which when formed anew, and made winged, then obtain another form of body, adapted to every use to which they are born in their other life. - 1748, August 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2917 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2917. De corporibus spirituum

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus novis, etiam de corporibus, [ii] putantes sicut alii, quod corpore simili humano corpori, induti sint, nam illuc imaginatio eorum et interior homo eos ducit, nempe ad ultimum ordinis, quod est corpus, sed respondere iis datum, quod non sciam quali corpore sint, sed quod formae perfectissimae ad omnem usum, sic ut dici queant formae spirituales, et coelestes: repraesentative confirmatum, a vermiculis, qui dum reformantur et alatae fiunt, tunc nanciscuntur aliam corporis formam, ad omnem usum adaptatam, ad quem feruntur in eorum altera vita. 1748, 25 Aug.

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