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《灵界经历》 第2924节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2924

2924. Evil spirits look on an earthly human as a vile slave, unless they are those who think they are the person

How, and how often, they have attempted to take control of me and make me their slave, I am unable to recount, for all evil spirits have aimed at this. But when they do not consider the person they are with as a slave, it is because they imagine themselves to be that person, no matter how many are there, so they cannot harbor hatred against themselves. Neither do they know at such a time that the person also is a spirit whose body is joined to his or her spirit. They live in such ignorance so they will not harm people and plunge them to their death.

But with me it is different, for they realized they had been separate beings, so they made very many attempts, but in vain. Just now when such spirits were present, I was enabled to make them think that they were me, 1which is easily done because they easily absorb portrayals of this kind. Then, while they were of that opinion I was prompted to ask whether they are slaves, or whether I am a slave, or whether a master-to which latter they said yes, thinking me to be themselves. Afterwards they were indignant. 1748, 25 Aug.


1. So it stands in the Latin, perhaps influenced by French emphatic pronoun moi.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2924


I cannot relate, in what manner, and how many times they have attempted to rule me, and make me their slave, for all evil spirits have aimed at this; but that they esteem the man with whom they are their slave, is because they suppose they are the man, however many there are. Wherefore, they cannot hate themselves, nor know at that time that the man is also a spirit, and has a body adjoined to his spirit. They live in such ignorance in order that they may not injure anyone, and precipitate them into a violent death [necem]. But with me it is different; for they have perceived that they have been separated; wherefore, they have attempted many times [to kill me] but in vain. Now when the like were present, it was given to cause that they should think themselves to be me; which easily is brought about; for they are easily imbued with the like representations; then when they were in that opinion, it was given to say, whether they are slaves, or I am a slave, or whether or no I am master. They said that it is so, because they supposed it to be themselves; afterwards they were indignant. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2924 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2924. Spritius mali hominem ut servum vilem spectant, nisi ii sint qui putant esse hominem

2924. Quomodo et quoties tentaverint me regere, et servum sui me facere, non possum memorare, nam hoc omnes mali spiritus intenderunt, at quod non hominem, apud quem sunt, existiment servum, est quia putant se esse hominem, quotquot ibi sunt, quare odio se non possunt habere, nec sciunt tunc quod homo quoque spiritus est, et ejus spiritui corpus adjunctum, vivunt in tali ignorantia, ne quemquam laedant, et in necem praecipitent; at penes me, aliter, nam perceperunt se separatos fuisse, quare perpluries tentarunt, sed incassum, nunc cum adessent similes, facere dabatur, quod putarent eos esse me, quod facile fit, nam similibus repraesentationibus facile imbuuntur, tunc cum in opinione ista erant, dicere dabatur, an servi sint, seu an servus sim, seu anne dominus? dicebant quod ita, quia semet esse putabant, postea indignati. 1748, 25 1



1. In the Manuscript 2922 altera vice

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