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《灵界经历》 第2935节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2935

2935. Angels wish others happier than themselves,

thus love them more than themselves

It was discussed by some whether the Jews-the discussion concerned the Jews-were privileged above others. I was inspired to reply that among angels there is no thought of privilege, but everyone wishes the other happier than oneself, and in this happiness consists. When they were unable to understand that this is possible, it was suggested that it is possible between married partners, between parents and children, between friends, even now and then in civil life from sheer courtesy. From this one can see that it is possible, which leads to the conclusion that there ought to be such love, so that there may be heavenly happiness. 1748, 26 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2935


It was asked [dicebatur] by certain ones, whether Jews (the discourse was concerning Jews) had privileges above others: it was granted me to reply, that there is no thought with angels concerning privilege, but each one wishes others to be happier than himself, wherein consists felicity. When he could not understand this: what can be bestowed [quod dabile], it was insinuated, that there is something to be bestowed between husband and wife, parents and children, between friends, occasionally in civil life, also from civility alone. Hence may be seen what is capable of being bestowed: hence may be concluded that such ought love to be, in order that there may be heavenly felicity. - 1748, August 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2935 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2935. Quod angeli alium feliciorem se velint, sic ament prae se

Dicebatur a quibusdam, num Judaei (de Judaeis sermo erat) praerogativam haberent prae aliis, respondere mihi dabatur, quod apud angelos non cogitetur de praerogativa, sed quisque alium feliciorem se velit, in quo consistit felicitas; hoc quum intelligere non possent 1

, quod dabile, insinuatum quod dabile sit inter conjuges, inter parentes et liberos, inter amicos, etiam passim in vita civili, ex solum civilitate, inde quod dabile sit, videri potest, inde concludi potest, quod talis amor debeat esse, ut sit felicitas coelestis. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has posset sed vide indicem ad Amor, Coelum, et Judaei

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