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《灵界经历》 第2936节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2936

2936. The deceitful send mediums through whom they carry out their deceptions, so that they may hide,

and the mediums take their place

This also just happened. Some who were known to despise me were driven toward me by the deceitful, who carried out their deceptions through them, namely to debase and then darken all the good and true things I have written- which also happened, namely that those things of great value seemed to me so trivial that they were regarded as nothing at all, and almost rejected.

When I was given to observe that those spirits were with me, I was also given to observe that the other deceitful spirits were using them as mediums. Those deceitful ones were not debasing [those writings], but in order to darken them to appear as base, were substituting those spirits. About this matter, because it had been discovered, I spoke with them, and they admitted to it. This shows what the deceitful are like.

2936. 1/2. When I spoke with them, it was confirmed that the same thing occurs in everyday life while they are living in the body, so that the same thing comes out in the other life, but with greater skill and adaptation to the differing states in that life. Therefore, when the states of spirits in the other life are known, one can recognize what they had been like in the life of the body. For similar things occur, with a difference in regard to states and other aspects of life. 1748, 26 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2936


This also happened now, that certain who were known to hold me in low esteem, were sent forth to me by the deceitful, whereby they performed their deceits, to wit, that they might disparage, and so obscure, all the good and true things which I have written. This also happened, to wit, that those things which were of much worth seemed to me so trivial, as to be esteemed as nothing at all, and almost rejected. When it was given to observe that there were such spirits with me, and at the same it was also granted to observe that others [who were] deceitful [spirits) used them as subjects: the deceitful did not despise me, but substituted these [subjects] so as to obscure [my writings], that they might seem worthless, whereof, because it was detected, I spoke with them, and they confessed: thus of what quality are the deceitful can hence be apparent.

2936 1/2. When I spoke with them, it was confirmed, that the like occurs in general life, while they live in the body, therefore that the like exists in the other life, but with greater shrewdness and adaptation to the states which differ in the other life. Wherefore when the states of spirits are known in the other life, the quality in the life of the body can be known, for similar things occur, with the difference of other states and life. - 1748, August 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2936 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2936. Quod dolosi subjecta mittant, per quae agunt suos dolos, ut lateant, et subjecta substituantur

Hoc nunc quoque contigit, quod quidam, qui noti erant, quod vilipenderent me, eos dolosi ad me agebant, et per eos agebant suos dolos, nempe ut vilipenderent et sic obscurarent omnia bona et vera, quae scripsi, quod et factum, nempe quod ea quae erant multi pretii, visa mihi tam levia, ut nihil prorsus aestimarentur, et paene rejicerentur; cum observare daretur, quod tales spiritus apud me essent, et simul quoque daretur observare quod alii dolosi uterentur iis ut subjectis, qui dolosi non vilipendebant 1

, sed ut obscurarent ut vilia viderentur, illos substituebant, de qua re quia detecta cum iis loquutus sum, et ii fassi, sic quales sunt dolosi inde constare potest.

2936a. Cum loquutus cum iis, confirmatum quod simile fiat in vita communi, dum vivunt in corpore, sic quod simile existat in altera vita, sed cum majore solertia, et aptatione ad eos status, qui in vita ista differunt; quare dum status spirituum in altera vita noti sunt, cognosci possunt quales fuerunt in vita corporis, nam similia occurrunt, cum differentia statuum aliorumque vitae. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has vilipendebant

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