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《灵界经历》 第2937节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2937

2937. The speech of spirits is the speech of the thoughts,

thus the speech of [their] inward parts

I spoke with spirits just now and on other occasions, saying that the difference between life in the body and life after death is mainly that in the life of the body, a person can speak something, while feeling and thinking otherwise. This is evident from people's conversations, from letters, from various writings, from praises variously embellished, when yet the thought entirely disagrees. Sometimes things are known to be quite the opposite, yet are maintained.

But in the other life, this does not exist. There the thoughts speak, consequently the inward person, just as my thought has been speaking all the time now for more than three years: if even one word were said that disagrees with the thought, it is at once perceived. So those who do this due to their life in the body, are known at once, especially by inward spirits, with whom there is a still deeper speech, namely that of the intentions.

Therefore some were very indignant who during their bodily life had not liked to have their thoughts be exposed, as a consequence of which hatreds, envies and the like are at once out in the open. So one can tell what a society of these could be like, if they were such on earth as to be enemies at heart, and friends on the face. 1748, 26 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2937


I have spoken with spirits now and at other times, that the especial difference between the life in the body, and the life after death, is that in the life of the body a man can think something [to say] and feel or think otherwise, as is evident from their speech [talk] from letters [epistolis] from various writings, and praises variously ornate, when yet the thought wholly disagrees: sometimes the contrary may be known, and yet they affirm. But in the other life no such thing is granted: there the thoughts speak, consequently the interior man: for instance, my thought has spoken during the whole time now of over three years: if even one word should be said which disagrees with the thought, it is forthwith perceived, especially by interior spirits, who have a speech still interior, to wit [one] of intentions. Wherefore some were very indignant, who in the life of the body did not wish their thoughts to be divulged; hence it flows that hatreds, envy, and the like are disclosed on the spot. Wherefore it can be known, of what nature their society can be, were they so in the world, who in heart are enemies, but in face are friends. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2937 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2937. Quod loquela spirituum sit loquela cogitationum, ita loquela interiorum

Cum spiritibus loquutus nunc et alioquin, quod discrimen inter vitam in corpore, et vitam post mortem, sit praecipue, quod in vita corporis aliquid loqui 1

possit homo, [et] aliter sentire seu cogitare, sicut constat ex loquelis eorum, ex epistolis, ex scriptis variis, et laudibus varie ornatis, cum tamen cogitatio prorsus dissidet, quandoque contrarra sciantur, et usque contestantur, at in vita altera tale non datur, ibi cogitationes loquuntur, proinde interior homo, sicut mea cogitatio loquuta est per totum tempus nunc 2

ultra 3 annos, si vel una vox diceretur quae dissentit a cogitatione, illico percipitur, quare qui hoc ex vita corporis faciunt, illico noscitur, cumprimis a spiritibus interioribus, penes 3

quos adhuc interior loquela est, nempe intentionum; quare quidam indignati valde, qui in vita corporis non voluerant ut propalarentur cogitationes, inde fluit, quod pateant illico odia, invidiae, et simile; quare sciri potest, qualis societas eorum esse possit, si ita forent in terris, qui corde inimici, et facie amici. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has cogitare

2. The Manuscript has nun

3. The Manuscript has interioribus; penes

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