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《灵界经历》 第2938节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2938

2938. About convictions with people on earth-spirits are unable to assail them

As an example, when I was convinced that the holy spirit was a third person, and that the holy spirit was 1from eternity-when I was of that conviction, then if I said the least word against certain spirits, they were so disturbed that they upset me to the point that I hardly dared to think about the holy spirit, for there were very many at that time who imagined themselves to be the holy spirit. But after I had become convinced that the Lord Alone is holy, and all both angels and spirits are in themselves profane, and they are called holy by virtue of those truths and goods which are the Lord's, I am no longer disturbed, even though the same spirits, I suppose, are present.

For now they do not attack me at all because I have a conviction, and conviction is like an intimate trait of character. From this as an example it may be evident what conviction is, what it is like, in that it becomes part of one's nature [see 2926], and that spirits can avail nothing against a conviction-in fact, they are of about the same conviction as the person [they are with]. For they assume his or her convictions, which are in the memory because they pertain to the understanding. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The original has the plural verb "were."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2938


Take [this] for an example - when I was persuaded that the holy spirit was the third person, and that from eternity there were holy spirits when I was in that persuasion, then if I said the least word [verbulum] against certain spirits, they were infested to such an extent, that they astonished me to that degree, that I scarcely dared to think concerning the holy spirit: for then there were many who supposed themselves to be the holy spirit: but afterwards, I became persuaded that the Lord alone is holy, and that all, both angels and spirits, are in themselves profane, and are called holy from those true and good things which are of the Lord: then I am no longer infested, although the same [spirits] I think, are present, for now they the persuasion is of such a nature, as to be familiar as it were do not in the least infest me, because I am in persuasion, and to the disposition. Hence, as from example may be evident, what is persuasion, of what quality, that it puts on nature, and that spirits can effect nothing against persuasion, yea that with [apud] man, they are as it were, in the like persuasion, for they put on his persuasions, which are of the memory, because [proceeding] from intellectuals. - 1748, August 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2938 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2938. De persuasionibus apud hominem, quod spiritus eas impugnare nequeant

In exemplum sit, quum persuasus eram, quod spiritus sanctus esset 1

tertia persona, et quod spiritus sanctus esset ab aeterno, cum in ea persuasionn essem, tunc si verbulum contra quosdam spiritus dicerem, infestabantur usque adeo, ut percellerent me adeo, ut vix cogitare ausus sim de spiritu sancto, tunc enim perplures erant, qui se spiritum sanctum putabant, at postquam persuasus factus, quod Dominus Solus sanctus, et omnes tam angeli quam spiritus in se prophani, et sancti vocantur ab iis veris et bonis quae sunt Domini, tunc non amplius infestor, tametsi iidem, ut reor, adsunt, nam ne hilum nunc me infestant, quia in persuasione sum, et persuasio talis, ut familiaris sic quasi indolis, inde ut ab exemplo constare potest quid persuasio, qualis, quod naturam induat [vide 2926], et quod spiritus nihil contra persuasionem possint, imo apud hominem simili quasi persuasione sint, nam induunt ejus persuasiones, quae sunt memoriae, quia ex intellectualibus. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has essent

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