2979. It was further observed that one general realm contains other general realms, some of which I was given to see. For a general consists of particulars, these realms being the particulars in the general realm. And these particulars suit the general realm because the general one is formed from them.
2979. It was further observed, that one general sphere contains other general spheres, some of which it was also given to perceive: for the general consists of particulars: in the general sphere, these spheres are particulars: and these particulars concur [to form] a general sphere: for the general [sphere] is formed from them.
2979. Porro observatum, quod una sphaera communis alias communes sphaeras contineat, quarum etiam aliquas mihi percipere dabatur, nam commune consistit ex particularibus, in sphaera communi hae sphaerae sunt particularia; et haec particularia conveniunt sphaerae communi 1
, nam communis ab iis formatur.
1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has communis