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《灵界经历》 第300节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 300

300. No one at all among mortals can go up out of the grave, except through God the Messiah.

It is the infrangible truth, and thoroughly corroborated by experience, that no one of humankind can be aroused out of their grave, still less be raised from the lower parts of the earth into the heavens, that is, into the inward, 1the very inward and the innermost one, except through God the Messiah - which also it was granted me to learn from plain experience. In order that I might know it, I was allowed to feel it by a certain kind of drawing up or pulling up, which I can hardly describe. So it is in the whole of heaven; for God the Messiah, Who has all power in the heavens and on earth [Matt. 28:18], most intensely and deeply burns with the love and mercy to save the whole human race, His Love and His mercy being of such force, because He is omnipotent. 1747, the 5th day of December.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 300


It is an irrefutable truth, and one most fully testified by experience, that no man can be raised up out of his grave, still less raised from the lower places of the earth into the heavens, namely, into the interior, the more interior, and the inmost heaven, except by God Messiah. It has also been granted me to learn this by manifest experience; and, in order that I might know this, it was granted me to perceive it by a certain kind of subtracting or withdrawing, which I can scarcely describe. Such is it in the universal heaven; for God Messiah, Who has all power in the heavens and on earth, burns most intensely and inmostly with love and mercy for the salvation of the whole human race: the power of His love and of His mercy is of such a nature because He is omnipotent. 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 300 (original Latin 1748-1764)

300. Quod nullus usquam mortalium, e sepulchris ascendere potest, nisi per Deum Messiam

Veritas irrefragabilis est, et per experientiam testatissima, quod nemo hominum ex sepulchris suis excitari, minus ab inferioribus 1

terrae elevari possit in coelos, nempe interius, intimius, et intimum nisi per Deum Messiam, quod etiam manifesta experientia discere mihi concessum erat quod ut scirem, concedebatur percipere id per quandam speciem subtractionis seu subductionis, quam vix describere possum, talis est in universo coelo, nam Deus Messias, Cui omnis potestas in coelis et in terris est, intensissime ac intime ardet amore, et misericordia salvandi universum genus humanum, Ipsius Amoris Ipsius et misericordiae talis vis quia omnipotens 2

est. 1747, die 5 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has inferiribus

2. In the Manuscript omnipotentia in omnipotens emendatum

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