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《灵界经历》 第2990节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2990

2990. The Lord appears to many in the other life, in a form suited to them

It has happened to me several times that I judged that the Lord Himself was present and spoke, as He has also done with others. But the fact is that it is the Lord at these times Who 1appears, through others, who are then not themselves, and they suppose likewise that they are the Lord. This thought streams into the thought of the one in whom He is, when he is nothing, and the Lord through him then appears in the other's form, for his form still remains.

Today I was able to perceive this clearly, for the Lord does not wish to change completely the form or character of another and then to appear through the other. In this way also the Lord speaks through another. 1748, 30 Aug.


1. The original has "who Who."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2990


It happened to me several times that I did not think other than that the Lord himself was present and spoke, as also [happened] with others. But the matter stands thus: It is the Lord who then appears here, through others, who are on that occasion not themselves, and the same likewise, imagine that they are the Lord. This thought inflows into the thought of him with whom he is, since he is nothing, and the Lord, through him, then appears in his form; for his form still remains, as I could plainly apperceive this day; for the Lord does not wish to change wholly the form or disposition of another, and so appear through another. Thus, also, the Lord speaks through another. - 1748, August 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2990 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2990. Quod Dominus appareat multis in altera vita, in forma iis conveniente

Aliquoties mihi contigit, quod non aliter arbitratus, quam quod Ipse Dominus adesset et loquutus, sicut etiam apud alios, sed ita se res habet, est Dominus tunc Qui 1

apparet, per alios, qui tunc non sui sunt, et iidem autumant 2

similiter quod Dominus sint, quae cogitatio influit in cogitationem ejus penes quem est, cum is nihil, et Dominus per eum, tunc apparet in forma ejus, nam usque forma ejus manet, quod hodie manifeste potui appercipere, nam alius formam seu indolem prorsus immutare, et sic per alium apparere non vult Dominus: ita quoque Dominus per alium loquitur. 1748, 30 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has qui Qui

2. partim oblitum in the Manuscript

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