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《灵界经历》 第2989节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2989

2989. If spirits had the use of their bodily memory, they could not be in a spiritual state

Among other things, there is also this reason why spirits are deprived of their bodily memory, i.e., that it is their own, from it they think they lead their own life. Then also, if they had use of that memory, the perfections of the state of spirits spoken of elsewhere [see 1077, 1983] could scarcely be given, namely, [the ability] perceive thoughts by a spiritual mental image, besides very many other [faculties]. So people lose nothing but flesh bones the use of that memory. They keep all of it, yet they are not permitted use it, but an inward one, which is, so speak, the inward ability of drawing forth contemplating the particulars of the bodily memory. 1748, 29 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2989


Besides other [facts which could be mentioned], there is also this: that spirits are deprived of their corporeal memory, because it is proper [propria] to them; from it, they suppose they lead their own [proprium] life; and, further, that if they enjoyed that memory, that the more perfect states of spirits of which [concerning] [see] elsewhere, could scarcely be given, to wit, to perceive thoughts in [by] spiritual idea, besides very many other things. Wherefore, men lose nothing but flesh and bones, and the use of that memory. They possess it all, but it is not permitted to use it, but [to use] the interior [memory], which is, as it were, the interior faculty of taking forth and viewing the particulars of the corporeal memory. - 1748, August 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 2989 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2989. Si spiritus memoria corporea gauderent, quod non possent esse in statu spirituali

Praeter alia, etiam hoc [in causa] est, quod priventur spiritus memoria corporea, quod ea est eorum propria, ex ea putant se propriam vitam agere; tum quoque quod si gauderent memoria ista, quod perfectiones 1

status sprituum, de quibus alibi [vide 1077, 1983], vix dari possent, nempe idea spirituali percipere cogitata, praeter perplura alia, quare nihil perdunt homines quam carnem et ossa, et memoriae istius usurpationem, habent omnem, sed non uti ea permittitur, sed interiore, quae est quasi facultas interior memoriae corporeae particularia depromendi et intuendi. 1748, 29 Aug.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition et indice ad Memoria et Spiritus invito, ubi perfectiores

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