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《灵界经历》 第2991节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2991

2991. About separations from societies

When people are being separated from the societies in which they are because they do not harmonize, this is portrayed to the eyes of spirits as if they wholly throw themselves forward and twist themselves out from the society by being propelled around, and thus remove themselves. And this occurs quite visibly.

They appear also sometimes as projectiles, but not heading downwards, but toward the peripheries. I was informed that when such a projection appears from right to left, they want to keep, and work together with all their might to hold the person back. When they take place differently, now hither, now thither, by an unbalanced projection that is apparent especially from the [course of the] head, then it is intermediate, neither mostly his [effort] nor mostly theirs. These things were shown to me vividly. 1748, 30 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2991


When they are separated from societies in which they are, because they do not accord, this is represented to the eyes of spirits, as if the whole man projects himself round about, and twists himself out [extorqueat] by circum-projection from the society, and so removes himself; and this [occurs] quite visibly. They also appear sometimes as projections, not downwards, but towards the circumferences. I was informed that when such projection appears from right to left, that he wishes to separate himself from the society; when from left to right, that they wish to retain him, and so strive together with their strength to retain him. When [it appears] otherwise, now in this direction, now in that, and with unequal projection, which is especially apparent from the head; then it is intermediate, and not part his, and part theirs. These things were shown me to the life. - 1748, August 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2991 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2991. De separationibus a societatibus

Cum separantur a societatibus, in quibus sunt, quia non concordant, repraesentatur 1

hoc ad oculos spirituum, sicut quod projiciat se homo totus circum circa, et se extorqueat per circum projectionem a societate, sicque se removeat; et hoc satis exstanter; apparent quoque quandoque sicut projectiones, sed non deorsum sed versus circumferentias, informatus sum quod dum projectio talis appareat a dextro ad sinistrum, quod eum retinere velint, et sic quod vi sua collaborent ut retineant: cum aliter nunc huc nunc illuc, et inequali projectione, quod a capite imprimis apparet, tunc est intermedium, neque partim ejus et partim eorum {a}, haec mihi ad vivum ostensa sunt. 1748, 30 Aug.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition repraesentatum

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