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《灵界经历》 第2993节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2993

2993. On the effectiveness from a diversity of style

I was shown vividly how some who strive only for a brilliant style continually keep their mind set on brilliance and praiseworthiness of style, not on the subject at hand, only so that he who is writing may be famous for it because he is treating of lofty matters. Thus he continually reflects on praise for himself and superiority on account of style, [and not] that such a style is ineffective for inward people, and that such [writers] condemn others and the kind of style that explains the matter fully to the understanding-others, whose style is such that the words or expressions follow from goodness of heart, whose [object] is the betterment of the neighbor and his or her education. In this case the subject shapes the style of each according to their gift, but with those just spoken of, the style shapes the subject, so that from style one is brought to the subject, a procedure having no effectiveness, because the subject does not govern the style.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2993


It was shown me to the life, how certain ones, who only study splendor of style, and continually keep the mind [animum] [directed] to splendor of style, and hence to qualities that draw applause [applausibilitate], but not to the matter, only [for the end] that he who writes may thence be famous, because he treats of sublime matters, so that he then continually reflects upon his praises, and pre-eminence from style, that such a style has no effect amongst those who are interior, and that such [writers] despise other [writers] and [their] style in which the matter is fully expounded to the apprehension, whose style is of such a nature that words [verba seu voces] follow from goodness of heart, which is the reformation of the neighbor and his instruction [informatio]; in such case [tuna] the matters form the style of each one, according to his gifts. But with those in whom the style forms the matter, so that the reference is from the style to the matter, there is no efficacy [in their style] and the matter does not govern the style. - 1748, August 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2993 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2993. De efficacia ex diversitate styli

Ostensum mihi ad vivum est, quomodo quidam 1

qui solum nitori styli student, continue animum in styli nitore et inde applausibilitate 2

habent, non autem in re, solum ut inde celebretur is qui scribit, quia res sublimes tractat, sic quod continue tunc reflectat in sui laudem, et praeeminentiam ex stylo, [et] 3

quod talis stylus nihil efficiat 4

apud eos qui interiores sunt, et quod tales contemnant alios et talem stylum quo res plene ad captum exponitur, quorum stylus talis est, ut verba seu voces sequantur ex bonitate cordis, quae {a} est emendatio proximi, et ejus informatio, tunc res formant stylum, cujusvis secundum ejus dotem; at penes illos de quibus, stylus format rem, suc ut ex stylo ad rem referatur, quod nihil efficaciae habet, et non res regat stylum. 1748, 30 Aug.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has applausibiliter

3. cf. indicem ad Loqui, Proprium, Scientia, Scribere, et Verbum

4. The Manuscript has effeciat

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