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《灵界经历》 第301节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

301.更内层天堂的快乐和幸福是无法形容的。蒙弥赛亚神的怜悯,我被提升至更内层的天堂,如前所述(293, 299节),并与天使交谈。我获准与他们待上一小会儿,完全是由于弥赛亚神的怜悯;这种奇迹缘于我周围的天使被排列的方式。我以这种方式被教导上述这些事,因而尽管非常模糊,仍能感觉到天使的快乐是何性质;没有天上和谐一致的性情,没有通过净化的过程获得必要的状态,任何人都不可能在天使中间。诸如此类的快乐是由最精妙、人类无法察觉或宏伟的想象产生的,以致它完全是天上的一个乐园,具有绝对的、无法形容的快乐,并且变化无穷。因为这些代表如此鲜活,以致它们大大超越世人自己所能想象,甚至所能想到的。这种快乐是由相爱和所有人的一致产生的,没有人想成为他自己的,而是每一个都出于最深的情感热切地渴望属于所有人。不过,这些事是无法用言语来表达的。(1747年12月5日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 301

301. In the very inward heaven, the pleasure and happiness is unutterable.

By the mercy of God the Messiah, I was raised up into the very inward heaven, as told [293, 299], and spoke with the angels. It was granted me there, only by the mercy of God the Messiah, to be in their company for a little while, which miracle was due to the way in which the angels around me were arranged.

In this way I was taught about the matters previously related, and thus I could feel, even though very faintly, what it is like, and that without heavenly harmony and an agreement of characters, and without having attained the [necessary] state through the purging process, it is impossible for anyone to live among them.

Such joys as these also arise from the most delicate, and humanly imperceptible, or sublime, mental imagery, that makes it an entirely heavenly paradise, with absolute and inexpressible joy in endless variation. For the displays are so alive as to surpass, by leagues beyond number, any that a person on earth is able to picture to himself, or even think up. Such joy results from mutual love, and from the sentiment of all, that none want to be their own, but each individual fervently desires from deepest affection to belong to all. But the words are lacking, to be able to express these matters. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 301


By the mercy of God Messiah I was raised up into the more interior heaven, as I before said [n. 293, 299 ], and spoke with the angels. Then solely by the mercy of God Messiah, it was granted me to be in their company for a little while, which was a miracle due to the arrangement of the angels around me. Hence I was taught concerning the things said above, and could thus perceive, although very obscurely, what is the quality [of angelic happiness], and that without heavenly harmony and the agreement of dispositions, and without the state acquired by vastation, it could never be granted to anyone to be among the angels. The delights from a most subdue or sublime imagination, imperceptible to man, are indeed such that it is altogether a heavenly paradise, with absolute and inexpressible delight, with indefinite variety; for the representations are so living that they immeasurably surpass those which man can imagine to himself, or even think of; this is from mutual love and the agreement of all, that no one wants to be his own, but each individual earnestly desires from inmost affection, to be for all. But words are lacking to express these things. 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 301 (original Latin 1748-1764)

301. Quod in intimiori coelo ineffabilis sit jucunditas et felicitas

Ex misericordia Dei Messiae sublatus sum in coelum intimius, ut dictum [299] loquutus sum cum angelis, ibi ex misericordia Dei Messiae sola, concedebatur interesse aliquantisper eorum consortio, quod miraculum erat; ex tali dispositione angelorum circum me, inde docebar de iis quae prius dicta sunt sic percipere potui, tametsi obscurissime, qualis sit quod nusquam absque harmonia coelesti consensu indolum statu per vastationem acquisito, dari queat, ut aliquis possit interesse, sunt tales jucunditates etiam ex subtilissima homini imperceptibili, seu sublimi imaginatione, ut prorsus sit paradisus coelestis cum absoluta inexpressibili jucunditate, cum indefinita varietate nam 1

repraesentationes tam vivae sunt, ut parasangis indefinite superent ea, quae homo sibi imaginari queat, imo, quae cogitare ex 2

amore mutuo, et consensu omnium, quod nullus velit esse sui, sed singuli omnium gestiant, ex intima affectione; sed desunt voces quae exprimere possunt. 1747, die 5 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has varietate, nam

2. The Manuscript has cogitare, ex

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