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《灵界经历》 第3006节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3006

3006. That insane person spoken of above [3003], because he had been called forth by such spirits to attack me while I was sleeping, which is utterly forbidden, that is, to lie in wait for a sleeping person, therefore he was cast down from some higher place and onto the lowest part of the earth, and there bound to a kind of long pole or stationary axis, and there he was bound around and stretched out as if he were the axis, not a spirit, concerning which snare he was made to be convinced. Then from there, he was let back into his place to live secluded from the society of others, and among those who had a like fantasy, everyone attacking another by like fantasies and persuasive gazes. From this one may conclude what kind of torment results until he puts off the habit. 1748, 31 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3006

3006. That insane [spirit] of whom [I spoke] above, because he was evoked by similar [ones] to infest me when asleep; which is wholly forbidden [to wit]: that they should lay in wait for man asleep, was cast down from a certain upper place, and to the lowest [part] of the earth, and [was] there bound to a certain long stake, or fixed axis, and there bound around, and stretched out as if he was the axis, and not a spirit. I also was drawn into such a persuasion; and then he was thence put back into his place, so that he might live secluded from the society of others, and amongst such as are of similar phantasy, so that everyone should infest the other by similar phantasies and persuasive intuitions. Hence may be concluded of what sort were his torments before they grew into disuse. - 1748, August 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 3006 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3006. Insanus iste, de quo supra [3003], is quia evocatus a similibus infestandum me, cum dormirem, quod prorsus vetitum, ut insidiarentur homini dormienti, dejectus est a quodam loco superiore in infimum terrae ibi alligatus cuidam longo palo seu statuto axi ibi circumligatus extensus, sicut esset axis non spiritus, de quo etiam in persuasionem trahebatur; inde dein, in locum remissus, ut seclusus a societate aliorum viveret inter tales, qui similis phantasiae sunt, ut quisque alterum infestaret per similes phantasias intuitiones persuasivas; qualis inde cruciatus, antequam desuescat, potest concludi. 1748, 31 Aug.

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