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《灵界经历》 第302节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 302

302. About the life after death of those who are continually engaged in studies, and who think they make them wise

I was guided today into one habitation in which I had surely been before, but without knowing at the time whose habitation it was. It is like a broad field on which are many chariots and arsenals. Where the chariots and horses are, there are many people who seem to be walking or riding in chariots hither and thither; and when I inquired who they were, one of them, approaching me, inquired about those alive [in the world] who are highly educated, asking which ones had achieved fame above the rest. Then I mentioned two or three whom I knew. But I was informed by the angels with me that those pass their life in that place who are much occupied with studies, but who are nevertheless of sound reason and do not impose the philosophy of their mind on heavenly things. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 302


I was led today into a habitation in which indeed I had been before, but I did not then know whose habitation it was. There was, as it were, a wide open space, where there were many chariots with armories. There were very many persons where the chariots and horses were, and they seemed to themselves to be walking about and to be carried hither and thither in the chariots: and when I inquired who they were, one of them drawing near asked about those who in their lifetime had been learned, and which of them had acquired a greater reputation than the others. Then I mentioned two or three whom I knew; but I was instructed by the angels who were with me, that those pass their life there, who devote themselves a great deal to studies, but yet are of sound reason, though they do not extend the philosophy of their mind to heavenly things. 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 302 (original Latin 1748-1764)

302. De vita eorum post mortem, qui continuo studiis invigilant, et inde sapere se putant

In unam mansionem hodie perductus sum, in qua quidem prius fueram, sed ignorabam tunc quorum mansio esset; est latus quasi campus, in quo sunt multi currus, cum armamentariis; ubi currus et equi, ibi perplures sunt, et sibi videntur ambulare, et per currus vehi, huc illucque, cumque inquirerem, quinam ii essent, unus eorum accedens 1

inquirebat de iis qui in vita docti sunt, et quinam famam prae caeteris aucupati, tunc duos tresve memorabam, [quos] novi 2

, verum ab angelis mecum instructus sum, quod ibi vitam agerent, qui studiis multum invigilant, sed usque qui sanae rationis sunt, nec in coelestia philosophiam mentis extendunt. 1747, die 5 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has acceedens

2. The Manuscript has novi ubi novi forte delendum

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