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《灵界经历》 第3029节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3029

3029. About the joy of happiness in heaven of those glorifying the Lord

Just now very many of the good were glorifying the Lord on account of His coming and their liberation from hell, and there was so great a joy of happiness that some were saying they could not endure it. 1748, 1 Sept. There was as it were a general glorification, so that even from some in hell there was also a desire to glorify, as I heard from certain ones who came from there, but from those who [dwell] in latrines. 1748, 1 Sept.

The next morning, all things were in a state of tranquility, so that I felt nothing but calmness, around me, silence, which still continues. 1748, 2 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3029


Very many, now, of the good, glorified the Lord on account of His advent and their liberation from hell, and there was so much joy of felicity that some said they could not bear it. - 1748, September 1. It was, as it were, a general glorification, so that certain in hell also desired to make glorification, as I heard from some who [came thence], but [they were] [it was] from those who [live] in privies. - 1748, September 1. Next morning everything was in a state of tranquillity, so that I perceived nothing but a tranquil silence around me, which still continues. - 1748, September 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3029 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3029. De gaudio felicitatis in coelo, glorificantium Dominum

Nunc permulti boni glorificabant Dominum propter adventum Ipsius, et liberationem eorum ab inferno, et erat tantum gaudium felicitatis, ut quidam 1

dicerent, quod non sustinere possent. 1748, 1 Sept. Glorificatio communis quasi erat, sic ut quoque a quibusdam in inferno quoque cupiebatur 2

glorificare, sicut audiebam a quibusdam qui inde, sed ab iis, qui in latrinis. 1748, 1 Sept.

Postero mane omnia erant in tranquillitatis statu, sic ut nihil nisi tranquillum perciperem, circum me, silentium, quod adhuc perstat. 1748, 2 Sept.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem sed vide indicem ad Dominus et alibi

2. The Manuscript has cupiebant

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