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《灵界经历》 第3030节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3030

3030. The Church of the Lord is promoted for the most part by the evil

In that tranquility I spoke with certain ones, calmly, and I presume within earshot of some of the apostles, saying that the Church of the Lord has been promoted for the most part by the evil, namely, by those having other motives, and in fact motivated by the loves of themselves. Take for example the apostles, who had the ambition of judging the whole world, and others in the [Christian] world who introduced the doctrines of faith for selfish reasons, among others, as in Sweden, England, and elsewhere. Then today among the pontiffs who uphold the teachings of faith in the Lord so that they may possess all things on earth and in heaven, for they know that they cannot be worshiped, and would therefore lose everything, if the pope were called the most high and not vicarious, for then they would also lose everything. These things are permitted for the reason that good may come of them. 1748, 2 Sept. For a not unlike reason, the Mohammedan heaven was opened [339], and the heaven of Jupiter [cf. 1113], by those who wanted to seek a different Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3030


I spoke, in a tranquil manner, with certain [who were] in that tranquillity, or, I believe with certain apostles, hearing [to this effect], that the church of the Lord is promoted to the greatest possible extent, by the evil, to wit, by those who [have] other ends [than its advancement], yea [have] self-loves for an end; for instance, [is promoted] by apostles, whose mind was to judge the universal world; [and] by others in the world who have introduced the doctrines of faith, from causes that regard self and other things, as [was the case] [in] Sweden, England and elsewhere; further, [it is promoted] at this day with [among the] popes [pontificios] who preserve the doctrinals of faith in the Lord, for the reason that they may possess all things of earth and all things of heaven; for they know that they cannot be adored, and that [if] so, they would lose everything, and that were he called Supreme [High] priest [pontifex supremus] and not vicar, that they would thus lose everything. These things are permitted, for the reason that good [flows] thence. - 1748, September 2. For a not dissimilar reason, the Mohammedan heaven, and the heaven of Jupiter [coelum Jiviale] was opened by those who wished to seek another Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 3030 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3030. Quod promoveatur Ecclesia Domini a malis, ut plurimum

Loquutus in tranquillitate illa cum quibusdam, tranquille, et autumo 1

, audientibus quibusdam apostolis, quod a malis ut plurimum promota sit Ecclesia Domini, nempe ab iis qui alios fines, et quidem amores sui pro fine [habent] 2

; sicut ab apostolis, quorum erat animus judicandi universum orbem, ab aliis in orbe, qui introduxerunt doctrinas fidei ex causa propter se, aliaque, ut Sveriae, Angliae, et alibi, tum hodie apud pontificios, qui conservant doctrinalia fidei in Dominum, ex causa ut possideant omnia terrae, et omnia coeli, nam sciunt quod ii non adorari possint, et sic amitterent omnia, et si pontifex vocaretur supremus, et non vicarius, quod sic quoque amitterent omnia; haec permittuntur ob causam quia inde bonum. 1748, 2 Sept. Ex non absimili causa etiam apertum est coelum Mahumedanum [339] coelum Joviale [cf. 1113], ab iis, qui alium Dominum vellent quaerere.


1. The Manuscript has aut autumo

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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