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《灵界经历》 第3037节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3037

3037. Evil spirits are the cause of evil happening to them

I spoke with spirits about the fact that they do evil to themselves when they intend it for another, so that thus [the law] of retaliation applies [2913], or the same evil answers back to them. For they were plotting to do evil to someone, and it was twisted back to them. They were saying that the evil came from me and others, and that it came from themselves they would not be convinced on account of the appearance. So I spoke about that, showing that if someone strikes their head against a wall, it is not the wall's doing, but their own.

Then it was illustrated in many ways that there is such a balance of all and the very least parts in the body, that a reaction answers back to each action-in the very least membranes, tissues, the very least particle of animate spirit. If there were not this reaction, nothing could ever continue, but everything would languish and sicken; so there is a perpetual balance.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3037


I spoke with spirits concerning this: that they cause evil to themselves, when they purpose [to do it] to another; therefore that there is thus [the evil] of retaliation, or that the like [evil] responds to them; for they plotted to do evil to someone, and it was reflected back, [retorquebatur] on them; they said, on account of the appearance, that the evil came from me and others, though it came from them, or self. They do not wish to be persuaded. Wherefore speech was held concerning that, and it was shown that if anyone strikes his head against the wall, that it is not the wall's fault, but his own; and it was then illustrated by many things, that there is such a balancing of these things, and of the single things in the body, so that to every action responds a reaction; it is so in the least membranes, fibers, [and] the least particle of the animal spirit; and if there were not such a reaction, nothing at all could subsist, but would wither and grow infirm, wherefore there is perpetual equilibrium. It is similar in everything else.

Experientiae Spirituales 3037 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3037. Mali spiritus in causa sunt quod malum iis eveniat

Loquutus cum spiritibus de eo, quod sibimet malum faciant, cum alteri intendant, sicut sic [jus] talionis [2913], seu quod simile respondeat eis, nam alicui malum facere moliebantur retorquebatur in eos, dicentes quod malum a me aliisque veniret, quod ab iis seu a semet, propter apparentiam non volunt persuaderi; quare de eo loquutum ostensum, quod si quis caput in parietem impingat, quod non sit parietis sed ejus illustratum dein per multa, quod talis aequilibratio omnium 1

et singulorum in corpore sit, ut actioni cuicunque respondeat reactio, ita in minimis membranis, fibris, [et] 2

minima particula spiritus animalis sique talis reactio non foret, nequaquam subsistere posset quicquam, sed flaccesceret, et aegrotaret, quare est perpetuum aequilibrium, similiter in aliis omnibus; sicut etiam inter

(3038.) homines, qualis unus est taliter respondet alter, si non externis modis, usque animo, quare hoc sciunt probe homines, eo non ultra eunt, quam ut [alii] patiantur, nam timent respondens malum ab iis: et hoc fit cum indefinita varietate secundum cujusvis statum et naturam, quod unicuivis notum esse potest. Ita inscriptum hoc est in natura, ut pulli, imo minima insecta resistant secundum insultus et animos; ex his nunc constat, quod malum poenae quod ii putant ab alio venire, sit a semet, nam tale datur responsu; si in naturae minutiis 3

et omnibus, quid non in maximo corpore? at 4

in mundo spirituum malorum fit tale sicut in genere humano: alia est reactio in coelis, nam ibi nulli aliquid mali infligitur sed vertitur in bonum. 1748, 2 Sept. Est per experientiam ostensum.


1. The Manuscript has inclarum; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition eorum

2. In the Manuscript fibrisque in fibris emendatum, sed insertio et omissa

3. The Manuscript has minitiis sed in J.F.I. Tafel's edition minimis

4. The Manuscript has corpore; at

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