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《灵界经历》 第531节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 531

531. It was asked whether they know that their one only Lord is Human. He said that they know this, and indeed from the fact that they see Him often, so that they know that He is Human, and that their one only Lord is Jesus Christ, though not actually calling Him by this name. But that it is the Supreme One Himself, Who is to be called "Jesus Christ," this they all now confess with one accord. He is not only Human but also at the same time God.

As for the name "King," they think it is below His dignity, because the name of King savors of what is worldly. That "Jesus" means "Savior," they also acknowledge, because it is the same as the Keeper of all. 1

1748, the 24th day of January.


1. At the end of this passage, B. Chastanier noted "see no. 3049."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 531

531. It was asked whether they know that their One Only Lord is Man. He said that they do know it, and this from the fact that they often see Him, so that they know that He is a Man, and that their One Only Lord is Jesus Christ; not indeed that they so call Him by name, but that it is the Supreme Himself Who is called Jesus Christ. They all now unanimously confess not only that He is Man, but that He is also at the same time God. As regards the name "King", they consider that it is beneath His dignity, because it is a name that savors of something worldly; that Jesus signifies "Savior" they acknowledge, because this is the same as the Preserver of all. 11748, Jan. 24.


1. "See n, 3049", has been added here in the MS. by another hand, apparently Chastanier's.

Experientiae Spirituales 531 (original Latin 1748-1764)

531. Quaesitum erat, num sciant quod unicus eorum Dominus sit Homo, dicebat, quod id sciant, et quidem ex eo, quod videant Ipsum saepe, sic ut norint quod sit Homo, et quod unicus illorum 1

Dominus sit Jesus Christus, non quidem ita Ipsum nomine vocant, sed quod est Supremus Ipse, Qui dicetur "Jesus Christus," hoc nunc omnes unanimiter confitentur; non solum est Homo sed etiam simul Deus, quod Regis nomen attinet, autumant quod infra dignitatem Ipsius sit, quia Regis nomen mundanum sapit; et quod "Jesus" [sit] significans 2

Salvatorem, id agnoscunt quia idem est cum omnium Servatore. 3

[vide 3049] 1748, die 24 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has eorum ellorum

2. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

3. post Servatore. manu B. Chastanier vide no. 3049

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