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《灵界经历》 第3054节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3054

3054. The Lord rules the universe

I saw by means of a spiritual mental image that the Lord rules the universe, and that the wood-cutters and sawyers, and others when they are in the realm of faith, insofar as they place merit in themselves, so far they grow cold and slip toward fantasies, or lives conforming with their fantasies. Then I understood that the realm of faith, which is the realm of inward, very inward, and innermost qualities, being that of things Divine, is the realm Itself of goodness and truth. Therefore it is universal, so that nothing exists in the universe that does not come forth from it. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3054


I have perceived in spiritual idea that the Lord rules the universe, and that wood-cutters [lignarii] and sawyers [serrarii], and others, when in the sphere of faith, so far as they place merit in themselves, so far do they grow cold, and fall to phantasies, or lives, according with their fantasies; further, I have understood that the sphere of faith, the sphere of interior, more interior and inmost things, inasmuch as it is divine, is the sphere itself of goodness and truth; wherefore it is a universal [sphere]; so that nothing is given in the universe which does not exist thence. - 1748, September 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 3054 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3054. Quod Dominus regat universum

Percepi idea spirituali, quod Dominus regat universum, et quod lignarii, serrarii, aliique dum in sphaera fidei sunt, quod quantum in semet ponunt meritum, tantum frigescant, et ad phantasias seu vitas phantasiis conformes labantur; tum intellexi quod sphaera fidei, quae 1

sphaera interiorum, intimiorum et intimorum, quia Divinaa bonitatis et veritatis Ipsa, sit; quare universalis, sic ut nihil in universo detur, quod non inde existat. 1748, 5 Sept.


1. In the Manuscript quod in quae emendatum

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