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《灵界经历》 第3055节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3055

3055. About those from Jupiter

Spirits from Jupiter were with me for around three days, having their mediums with me as before [3044-6, 3049] for the sake of communication, who were upright, hardly at all worried about what European evil spirits were bringing in. Sometimes they were surprised at something and would tell it to the society of their own spirits, drawing back a little. But what they were telling I was unable to understand, nor could the European spirits, for the conversation was by means of inward thoughts. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3055


(The spirits of Jupiter have been with me for about three days; they have their subjects with me as previously, for the sake of communication. These subjects were upright, hardly caring at all for what the evil spirits of Europe might introduce [inferrent]. Occasionally they were astonished at something [and] related it to the society of their spirits, receding a little; but what they related I was not so well able to understand, nor the European spirits, for the speech was by means of interior thoughts. - 1748, September 5).

Experientiae Spirituales 3055 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3055. De Jovialibus

Spiritus Joviales apud me fuerunt circiter per tres dies, subjecta sua habentes apud me, sicut prius [3044-3046, 3[049], communicationis causa, qui erant probi, nihil fere curantes quid mali spiritus Europaei inferrent; quandoque mirati aliquid, narrabant societati spirituum suorum, paululum recedendo, sed quid narrabant, non potui ita intelligere, nec spiritus Europaei, nam per interiores cogitationes, sermo erat. 1748, 5 Sept.

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