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《灵界经历》 第3056节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3056

3056. About some who thought it to be fantasies that I went around with spirits

Certain ones, also acquaintances, after they had been raised up several times to a higher region toward the front and were seen by me behind a cloud, from where they were directing the things I was thinking, imagined that they were therefore greater than others, and more learned. For those are permitted to do this who have the fantasy of imagining they are able to rule all others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3056


Certain [spirits], also known [to me], were several times afterwards, raised into a superior [higher] region in front, and seemed to me [to be] behind a cloud, hence directing what I should think, and so supposed that they are great above others, and more learned; for such is permitted to those who have the phantasy that they suppose all others can be directed by them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3056 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3056. De quibusdam, qui putabant phantasias esse, quod cum spiritibus conversatus

Quidam, etiam noti, postquam aliquoties elevati sunt in regionem superiorem antrorsum, et visi mihi post nubem, inde dirigentes ea quae cogitarem, ita putantes, quod magni prae aliis, et doctiores, nam tale iis permittitur, quibus phantasia est, ut omnes reliquos putent se regere posse,

(3057.) quando 1

hoc bis vel ter ab iis factum, veniebant in phantasias, quas etiam habuerunt in vita corporis, quod loqui cum spiritibus, sit phantasia, ita ut non crediderint ullum loquutum cum spiritibus, proinde quod spiritus non darentur, quod involutum erat; quare etiam cum in simili statu essent, et simul vellent alii infligere malum, illico rapti sunt in altissimum paene supra caput, et passi idem quod intendebant alteri, quod erat ut sicut lacerae vestes apparerent, etiam sibi; interea tenebantur in sua phantasia, quod ad alios [malum] 2

derivare vellent, et sic alios in supplicia secum trahere, ut et alios substituere loco sui, quod contra amorem proximi est, et tamdiu tenebantur in statu derivationis in alios, et sic cujusdam doli, insimulandi alios, quod ii egerunt, usque dum diminui appareret; derivatio in alios noscebatur manifeste per id, quod alios mente sua tenerent, et sic secum auferre vellent, quoscunque mens arripiebat, sumebant.


1. The Manuscript has posse; quando

2. cf. indicem ad Intuitio et Malum

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