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《灵界经历》 第3057节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3057

3057. When this had been done by them two or three times, they came into the fantasies they had also had in bodily life that speaking with spirits is a fantasy, so they had not believed anyone spoke with spirits, consequently that spirits did not exist, which was the implication.

So just when they were in that same state of mind, and wanting to inflict evil on another, they were at once snatched up to a very high place almost overhead and suffered the same thing they were intending for the other, which was that they appeared, even to themselves, as torn clothing.

Meanwhile they were kept in their own fantasy of trying to divert [evil] on others, and thus draw others into punishments together with themselves, and even to substitute others in their place, which is contrary to love of the neighbor. And they were kept in that state of diverting to others what they themselves had done, and thus of a certain deceit of accusing others for it, even until it appeared to lessen. A diversion to others is clearly recognized by their holding the others in their mind and then wanting to take them away with them. Whomsoever their mind laid hold of, they took.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3057

3057. (When this was done by them, twice or thrice, they came into phantasies, which they also possessed in the life of the body, that speaking with spirits is a phantasy, so that they have not believed that anyone spoke with spirits; therefore that spirits are not given; this was implied. Wherefore also, when they were in a similar state, and at the same time wished to inflict evil upon another, they were immediately snatched up to the highest place above the head, and suffered the same which they intended for another, which was to appear as if their garments were torn, [this] also to themselves. Meanwhile they were held in their) phantasy, which they wished to derive to others, and so draw others into punishment, with themselves, and so substitute others in their place, which is contrary to love of the neighbor; and they were held in [that] state, of deriving [of their phantasy] into others, and so of a sort of deceit, the counterfeiting of others, which they did for a long time, until there appeared to be an abatement [diminui.] The derivation into others was manifestly known by their keeping others in their mind, and so wishing to take them away with themselves; whomsoever [their] mind laid hold of they took.

Experientiae Spirituales 3057 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3057. [vide 3056]

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