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《灵界经历》 第3058节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3058

3058. Finally I spoke with them where they were in that very high place, repeating to me, also because they were so much in the state of their bodily life, that they did not believe in spirits nor that anyone could speak with spirits. Now they were thinking the same, because they were in that state. Then I said to them that one must believe one's senses, such as sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch, with a thousand variations now almost for 3 1/2 years-that then one must believe that it exists-now, that I am writing the same words in front of them which no human being could do unless he or she were together with spirits, for otherwise, to write them in this way cannot be done by anyone. But finally for once and for all they admitted that the matter so stands, and that I do speak with spirits. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3058

3058. (At last I spoke with them where they were, in [that] very high [place], representing [referentes] to me, that because in the state of the body they were such as not to believe in spirits, nor that anyone could speak with spirits; they then thought in a similar manner because they were in that state. I told them that we should believe in [our] senses - for instance, in sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch, and the thousand varieties [of my experiences], lasting now almost three and one-half years, - a thing to be believed, because it is so, [and] that I now write the same in their presence, which no man could do unless he was at the same time with spirits; for thus to write these things cannot be given by anyone in another manner; at length they for once confessed that it is the case, that I speak with spirits. - 1748, September 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 3058 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3058. Tandem cum iis loquutus, ubi erant in altissimo, referentes {a} mihi, tum quia in statu vitae corporis essent eo, quod non crederent spiritus [dari], nec quod quisquam cum spiritibus posset loqui, tunc putabant similiter, quia in eo statu, quibus cum dicerem, quod credendum sensibus, sicut visui, odoratui, gustui, auditui, tactui, cum mille varietatibus intra jam paene 3.5 annorum, quod sic credendum, quod sit--nunc 1

quod eadem scribam coram iis, quae nullus homo facere posset, nisi esset simul cum spiritibus, nam scribere haec ita, non dari potest a quoquam aliter-- 2

tandem semel fassi sunt quod ita se res habeat, quod loquar cum spiritibus. 1748, 5 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has sit, nunc

2. The Manuscript has aliter; sed

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