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《灵界经历》 第308节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 308

308. They who are being conducted to their own habitations seem to be transported by carriage

Today for the third time, I learned from experience that those who are being conducted to their own habitations, as was told before [297-299], believe they are being driven by carriage and thus being carried about as if by labyrinthine routes. For they go back and forth, so that they may arrive at that habitation where there are those of almost the same character. With these they stay, until God the Messiah mercifully sees fit to take them away from there and move them to some better habitation. I spoke with some who were in a carriage, and they said that they do not know otherwise than that they are being driven. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 308


Today, for the third time, I have learnt by experience that those who were being led to their habitations suppose, as was said before [n. 297, that they are being taken in a chariot, and thus carried about as if through labyrinthine ways; for they go and return, in order that they may reach the habitation where are those of an almost like nature, with whom they stay until God Messiah from mercy deigns to take them away and transfer them to some better dwelling place. I spoke with those who were in the chariot, and they said they know no otherwise than that they are being carried about. 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 308 (original Latin 1748-1764)

308. Quod videantur curru ferri qui ad mansiones suas perducuntur

Hodie tertia vice ab experientia edoctus sum, quod ii qui perducerentur ad mansiones suas, sicut prius dictum [297-299], se curru vehi putent, et sic per quasi vias labyrintheas circumferri, abeunt enim et redeunt, ob causam, ut perveniant ad eam mansionem, ubi sunt illi qui paene simili indole sunt, cum quibus morantur, usque dum Deus Messias, ex misericordia, eos inde dignetur auferre, ac in quoddam habitaculum melius transponere; cum iis qui in curru fuerunt loquutus sum, et dixerunt, quod non aliud sciant, quam quod vehantur. 1747 1

, die 5 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has 1745

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