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《灵界经历》 第3074节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3074

3074. The aura of the opinion of uprightness regarding the evil, regarding the dragon's character

For several days an aura was given to me of considering that the dragon is not so evil as many others-that is, that he is deceitful, of course, but only outwardly. Whenever I was of this opinion and persuasion - because his nature has been known to me for such a long time, as well as that of others, and thus how he is comparatively-whenever I was of this persuasion and opinion, and directed that aura toward the dragon, then he could not stand it, because he does not want to be upright. For he loves all to be afraid of him and to be able thus to rule them by fear. So when he was in that aura of not being feared so much, he was brought into that state of mind about which he sometimes said that he cannot stand that aura, because it contained so many sentiments that he did not want, such as despisal, among many others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3074


For several days there was given me a sphere of thinking [opinandi] concerning the dragon: that he is not so evil as many others, to wit, that he is indeed deceitful, but only externally. As often as I was of this opinion and persuasion, because his nature and [that] of others, and so his comparative quality were known for so long a time, as often as I was in this opinion and persuasion, and that sphere was directed towards the dragon, he then could not endure it, for he does not wish to be upright [produs], for he loves to be feared by all, and so to be able to command [rule] all from fear; wherefore, when he was in this sphere, so that he might not be feared, he was reduced into a state, whereof he spoke on several occasions [to the effect] that he is not able to endure that sphere, because therein were so many things that he did not wish; for instance, contempt, and many other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3074 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3074. Sphaera opinionis probitatis, de malis, de draconis natura

Per aliquot dies data mihi est sphaera opinandi de racone, quod non ita malus, ac plures alii, nempe quod quidem dolosus, sed solum externe; quoties ex hac opinione, et persuasione--quia 1

mihi per tantum temporis natura ejus cognita est, tum aliorum, et sic comparative qualis ejus--quoties 2

in hac persuasione et opinione essem, et dirigeretur ea sphaera versus draconem, tunc {a} non sufferre eam potuit, nam probus non vult esse, nam amat ut timeant eum omnes, et quod sic imperare possit omnibus ex timore, quare cum in hac sphaera esset, quod ita non timeretur, reducebatur in statum, de quo aliquoties dixit, quod non possit sufferre eam sphaeram, quia tam multa inerant, quae non vellet, sicut contemptum et plura alia.


1. The Manuscript has persuasione, quia

2. The Manuscript has ejus, quoties

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