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《灵界经历》 第3075节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3075

3075. Moreover the dragon is not permitted to add more evils to his evil nature. As often as he adds something, such as beginning to be cruel, or against marriage love, and more, so often he is cast down from his place, and punished, and thus scared off. For he greatly fears being cast down out of his place and thus from his command, which he well enough realizes will happen if he does not stay within the limits of his nature. 1748, 6 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3075

3075. Moreover, the dragon is not permitted to add to his evil nature many evils; as often as he adds anything, for instance, begins to be cruel, [to act] against conjugial love, and many other things, so often is he cast down from his place and punished, and so abstains; for he fears, greatly, that he may be cast down from his place, and so from his rule. He also plainly [satis] perceives that this will be the case unless he remains within the limits of his nature. - 1748, September 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3075 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3075. Praeterea draconi non permittitur ad naturam suam malam, addere plura mala, quoties aliquid addit, sicut quod crudelis esse incipiat, quod contra amorem conjugialem, et plura, toties e loco suo dejicitur, et punitur, et sic absterretur, nam timet valde quod e loco suo et sic ab imperio suo dejiciatur, quod etiam satis percipit [facturum], nisi intra limites suae naturae maneat. 1748, 6 Sept.

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