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《灵界经历》 第309节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 309

309. About the perception of angels, and also that of souls, in the other life

In the habitations of the very inward heaven, there is such a keen perception, or recognition by perception, that when a soul or angel of a different kind or genus, or else of a different species, is present, then in a miraculous way they either turn away, or they are moved by the harmony. It is by this method that they who are being driven around in the more inward heaven are admitted; and while they are passing through the changes between many states, then by a remarkable inward sense it becomes known, more and more, whether, and in what way, they are discordant. So they are either held off a little, or else they are brought in at a place where the disagreement is not so noticeable, with the result that the heavenly form of that particular species [of angel] is shaped within that genus and is thus continually perfected, even to such a degree of perfection that anything more perfect is inconceivable. 1747, the 6th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 309


Such is the perception, or cognition through perception, of those in the habitations of the more interior heaven, that when a soul or angel of another genus, or even of another species [approaches], in a wonderful manner they either feel aversion, or are affected by the agreement. In this way those who are carried around in the more interior heaven are admitted, and when they have passed through the changes of many states, it is then known more and more clearly, by a wonderful perception, whether, and in what manner, there is any dissent: thus they are either held somewhat apart, or are associated somewhere else where the dissent is not so perceptible. Thus a heavenly form of that species is made in that genus, and so is continually being perfected, even to such perfection that nothing more perfect can be conceived. 1747, Dec. 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 309 (original Latin 1748-1764)

309. De perceptione angelorum, tum etiam animarum in altera vita

In mansionibus intimioris coeli talis est perceptio, seu cognitio per perceptionem, ut quando anima aut angelusalius generis, aut quoque speciei [adest] 1

, mirifico modo, vel aversentur 2

, vel afficiantur ex consensu, eo modo admittuntur ii qui in intimiori coelo, circumvehuntur, et quum mutationes plurium statuum pertranseunt, tunc magis magisque per admirabilem perceptionem cognoscitur, num aliquid et quomodo dissentiunt, ita vel paulo distinentur, vel associantur ibi, ubi dissensus non ita perceptibilis est, ita forma coelestis istius speciei in eo genere formatur, et sic continue perficitur, usque ad perfectionem qua perfectius nusquam concipi possit. 1747, die 6 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has specie

2. The Manuscript has aversententur

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