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《灵界经历》 第3081节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3081

3081. One spirit leads another into thoughts almost the same as his own

Several times spirits have complained that they were being almost forced by me to think whatever had come up in me, so that they were unable to think for themselves. Even though they were left many times to engage openly in conversation among themselves, each group for themselves, and also not openly, as when they took counsel and hastily burst into things I had never thought; and even though they had collected and read, so to speak, my thoughts on other subjects, as has often happened-still, when they were allowed to reflect, [they complained] that they were being compelled to think whatever had come up in me, as also happened today.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3081


Spirits several times complained that they were compelled, as it were, to think of [cogitare], that which was the object in my mind [penes me] so that they could not think for themselves. Although it was many times left to them openly [manifeste] to unite in discourse with each other and every society [to act] by itself: also [were allowed to do so] not in an open manner [manifeste], as when they took counsel, and hastily burst out into such things as I have never thought of, and [were permitted] to collect and, as it were read my thoughts concerning other things; as many times happened. Still, when reflection was granted them, they complained just as [they have] this day, also that they were constrained to think of those things which were objects in my mind [penes me].

Experientiae Spirituales 3081 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3081. Quod unus spiritus ducatur in similes fere cogitationes secum ab altero {a}

Aliquoties spiritus conquesti, quod a me quasi cogerentur cogitare id quod penes me objectum erat, sic ut non ex semet possent cogitare; tametsi etiam multoties iis relictum sit manifeste inter se sociare sermonem, et unaquaevis societas per se, tum etiam non manifeste, ut dum consilia inirent, et festine erumperent in talia, quae nusquam cogitavi, et quod cogitata mea de aliis rebus collegerint et quasi legerint, me nesciente, quod pluries factum; sed dum reflexio iis dabatur, quod tenerentur cogitare ea quae objecta penes me erant, conquesti sunt, sicut hodie quoque.

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