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《灵界经历》 第3082节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3082

3082. Therefore I was prompted to tell them that it cannot happen differently, for it happens also on earth that in every society, when one person is speaking, the thoughts of the others are then held by those of that one person, so that they direct their mind to the same things and think the same things, likewise in a large gathering when one is speaking, as also in congregations, when a priest is preaching, and so on. This is even more the case in the other life, where the mental images are richer. When there is conversation, the mental images cannot but be communicated better because it is inward things that they are speaking, and more things that attract the thoughts or ideas of others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3082

3082. Wherefore, it was granted to tell them, that it cannot happen otherwise, for such a thing also takes place in the world, and in every society; when one is speaking, the thoughts of others are held by [the thoughts] of [that] one, so that they direct the mind [intendant] to the same things, and think similar things. The like takes place in a great assembly, when one speaks; also in congregations, when the priest preaches, and so forth. Still more [is this the case) in the other life, where the ideas are fuller, when there is speech, and still more, because ideas cannot but be communicated. Still more because it is interiors which speak, and [there are] many things to allure the thoughts or ideas of others.

Experientiae Spirituales 3082 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3082. Quare iis dicere datum, qqod aliter fieri nequeat, nam tale quoque fit in terris, ut in unaquavis societate, uno loquente, aliorum cogitata tunc tenentur ab unius, ut intendant iisdem, et similia cogitent; in magno coetu similiter uno loquente; tum in concionibus, sacerdote praedicante, et sic porro; magis adhuc in altera vita, ubi ideae pleniores sunt, dum loquela est, ideae non possint non communicari adhuc magis, quia interiora sunt quae loquuntur, et plura quae aliorum cogitata seu ideas alliciunt.

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