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《灵界经历》 第3087节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3087

3087. Someone looked at from heaven was turned into intestines

A certain watching guard belonging to those above me, who were trying all night long to kill me [3086], when I suddenly awoke and he was looked at from heaven so that [the angels] would know where and who they were that were trying to kill me, was turned into dirty intestines. I saw this, and he admitted it.

Who he was, whether he was their worst, I do not yet know. This showed what they were like. 1748, 7 Sept. Hence it was known that they were not from among the deceitful, but those that employ magical arts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3087


A certain stationary [subject] of those who were above me, and endeavored all night to kill me, when I suddenly awoke, was inspected by [from] heaven, that they might know where and who those were who attempted to kill me. He was turned into filthy intestines, which I saw, and he acknowledged it. Who he was, whether their worst [spirit] I do not yet know. Hence is apparent what is their quality. - 1748, September 7. Thus it is known that they are not of the deceitful, but of those whose magic acts.

Experientiae Spirituales 3087 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3087. Quod quidam inspectus a coelo versus in intestina

Quidam stationarius eorum qui supra me et tentabant tota nocte me interficere [3086], cum [ego] expergefactus 1

subito, inspectus 2

a coelo, ut scirent ubinam ii et quinam, qui conarentur me interficere, versus est in intestina squallida, quae vidi, et is fassus; quinam fuit, an eorum pessimus, nondum scio: inde constitit quales essent; 1748, 7 Sept.; sic 3

cognitum, quod non essent ex dolosis, sed ex iis, qui magicis artibus utuntur.


1. The Manuscript has experfactus

2. The Manuscript has subito inspectus

3. The Manuscript has Sept: sic

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