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《灵界经历》 第3089节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3089

3089. He considered himself so subtle as to be outside of the realm of all, thinking that no one could harm, much less punish him, so he was raised overhead in the line of the zenith, where spirits came who were worse than himself and equally subtle. They entered into his thoughts and thereby tormented him to the point where he said he was driven into such confusion and then a kind of torment that it could hardly be described. For at the same time he was inflamed with the desire to extricate himself, which increased that kind of torment. In this way he was taught that there are evil spirits that are punishers who are equally subtle, so that he should not think himself safe on account of his subtlety.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3089

3089. He supposed that he was so subtle as [to be] without the sphere of all, so that he supposed he could be injured by no one, still less punished. Wherefore he [was] raised up above the head in a line with the zenith, and spirits came there [who were] worse than him, and also such subtleties, and entered into his thoughts, and thereby harassed [torquebant] him, so that he said he was reduced to such perturbation [confusionem] and hence, a sort of torment, as can scarce be described; for at the same time that he was inflamed with the desire of thence extricating himself, that kind of torment was increased: he was thus instructed that spirits are given [as] punishers of evil, who are in a similar subtlety, so that thereby [therefore] he may not regard himself as safe.

Experientiae Spirituales 3089 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3089. Is putabat quod tam subtilis esset, ut extra sphaeram omnium, ut noceri a nullo putaret, minus puniri, quare sublatus supra caput in linea zenith, et ibi veniebant spiritus eo pejores et talis quoque subtilitatis, et intrabant 1

in ejus cogitationes, et per eas torquebant eum, ut diceret quod in talem confusionem, et inde cruciatus speciem redactus esset, ut vix describi possit, nam simul cupidine se inde extricandi accensus, quod cruciatus istius genus augebat, ita instructus quod dentur 2

spiritus mali punitores, qui in simili subtilitate sunt, ut non ideo se tutum putet.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has intrabat

2. The Manuscript has denter ut videtur

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