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《灵界经历》 第3090节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3090

3090. When he was told that still more subtle spirits exist, who flowed in smoothly and thereby won over him in subtlety, he was raised higher overhead in the line of the zenith, and was there together with them. He told that they mastered him and were able to entice him flatteringly by occult enchantments, so that he was being led by them to the point that he was unaware of it. They were the ones who creep into a person's desires, favoring them, and thus enticing toward evil. They do not dare to slip in their deceptions beyond where they deem themselves safe, fearing for the loss of their own life and freedom.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3090

3090. When he was told that still more subtle [spirits] are given, who inflowed in a mild manner, and thus overcame [vincerent] him by subtlety, he was raised up higher in a line with the zenith, and was there with those of whom he said that they overcame him, and could decoy him with hidden fascinations, as it were, of an agreeable nature [blandis], so that he was led thereby, still being ignorant they were those who insinuate themselves in the cupidities of man by assenting thereto, and thus enticing to evil. They dare not insinuate deceits beyond that point where they suppose themselves safe. They fear the loss of their life and license freedom [licentioe].

Experientiae Spirituales 3090 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3090. Cum ei dictum quod adhuc subtiliores darentur, qui influerent modo leni, et sic eum vincerent subtilitate, sublatus altius supra caput in linea zenith, et ibi cum iis erat, de quibus dicebat, quod 1

ii eum vincerent, et possent occultis quasi fascinationibus blande eum pellicere, sic ut duceretur ab iis 2

, usque dum nesciret, erant ii qui se insinuant hominis cupiditatibus, iis assentiendo, et sic pelliciendo ad malum; non ultra audent insinuare dolos, quam ut vident se tutos; timent jacturam vitae suae et licentiae.


1. The Manuscript has quos

2. The Manuscript has eo

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