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《灵界经历》 第3095节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3095

3095. Philosophical truths convince those who are of that nature more strongly than other things

Some with whom I spoke were shown from philosophical truths, such as that the prime cause and the instrumental cause act as one cause-thus by spiritual mental images-that they who are only tools, or instrumental causes, think that they live, or that they are the prime cause, the acting, living, effecting force. Hence those who were of that nature were so convinced that I was amazed, even though they were evil; so they were beholding truth. Moreover, also when I spoke of universal providence, that there is not any universal except from most singular things, they were likewise convinced, as also was a Philosopher famous in his time, when he saw the things written about forms in paragraphs 649, 660, 676.

Those, however, who do not care about such things, delight in them not on their own account, but so that people of that nature can be convinced; therefore they assist them zealously so that they may be impressed by the other things. 11748, 6 or 8 Sept.


1. I. e., they help them with philosophical truths so that the higher things may be impressed on their minds.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3095


[There were certain spirits] with whom I spoke, from philosophic truths; as that the principal cause and the instrumental cause, act as a single cause [unam causam agant]: thus by spiritual ideas it was shown, that they who are merely organs or instrumental causes, suppose that they live, or that they are the principal cause, the active [agentum] living, efficient force; hence they who are of such a character, were so convinced, that I wondered as that although evil, they could thus behold the truth. Also in other respects when I spoke concerning a universal providence, that the universal is not [formed] but from things most singular, they were similarly convinced: also a philosopher, celebrated in his time, when he perceived the things which [are written] concerning forms, as to which [see] Nos. 649, 660, 676. But they who do not care for such things, are delighted therewith, not on account of the things [themselves] but that thus such [spirits] may thus be convinced. Wherefore they zealously lend their assistance thereto, so that others may be impressed. - 1748, September 6 or 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 3095 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3095. Quod philosophicae veritates convincant fortius eos qui tales sunt, quam reliqua

Cum quibus loquutus, [iis] ex philosophicis veritatibus, sicut quod causa principalis et causa instrumentalis unam causam agant, ita per ideas spirituales ostensum, quod ii qui sunt modo organa seu causae instrumentales [se] putent vivere seu esse causam principalem, vim agentem, vivam, efficientem, inde ii qui tales erant ita convicti erant, ut miratus sim, tametsi mali, sic ut ita veritatem intuerentur; alioquin etiam cum de universali providentia loquutus, quod universale non sit nisi a singularissimis, similiter convicti, tum quoque Philosophus suo tempore celebris, cum perciperet ea quae de formis, de quibus n. 649, 660, 676. Ii autem qui talia non curant, delectantur iis non propter ea, sed ut sic convinci queant tales, quare 1

hos 2

cum zelo adjuvant, ut imprimantur aliis. 1748, 6 vel 8 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has tales. quare

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition hoc

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