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《灵界经历》 第3097节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3097

3097. About Paradisal delights

In front a little higher up, toward the corner of the right eye are those who live a paradisal life, for whom there are such paradisal views extending to an immense distance, as can never be seen by any earthly human, with an infinity of scenes together with enlightening splendors.

In short, they who had been there were saying, as those who are there are saying now, that it is altogether so unutterable that they cannot present its ineffability even by the richest human mental image. Enjoyments and happiness shine forth from the very least things-in short, words fail them to describe it, except that it is ineffable. And this goes on with changes of scenes to eternity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3097


(A little upward in front of the corner of the right eye are they who live a paradisiacal life, who enjoy such paradisiacal prospects of immense extent as can never be perceived by any man: with infinite varieties and brightnesses illuminating [the prospect]. In a word, they who had been there, like as those who are now there, said that it is so entirely undescribable [ineffabilis] that they can [not I think should be supplied] present the unspeakableness [thereof] in the fullest idea of man. Pleasantnesses and felicities shine forth from each thing. In a word, they lack words to describe it; only that it is ineffable, and occurs with infinite varieties to eternity.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3097 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3097. De delitiis Paradisiacis

Antrorsum paulum superius, ad angulum recti oculi sunt ii qui paradisiacam vitam vivunt, quibus tales paradisiaci prospectus in longitudinem immensam sunt, ut nusquam a quoquam 1

homine percipi queat, cum varietatibus infinitis, et splendoribus una illustrantibus, verbo dicebant qui ibi fuerant, sicut nunc qui ibi sunt, quod sit prorsus ita ineffabilis, ut ineffabilitatem non 2

idea plenissima hominis sistere queant; jucunditates et felicitates elucent ex singulis, verbo defiunt iis voces describere, modo quod sit ineffabile, et hoc fit cum varietatibus in aeternum.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "quoquam pro quoque"

2. The Manuscript has no

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