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《灵界经历》 第3098节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3098

3098. Some of those with me were raised up there who doubted whether there was light in the other life as there is in the life of the body, also whether there is a life higher than that life which is of the body. So they were raised up into paradisal societies, and they are still there; and from there they spoke with me.

But before they can be lifted up there, they are prepared by the Lord, that they may be of one mind. Therefore others who desired it were not able to be brought up, for their mental images were not concordant, nor were they willing to be touched in such a way that they could be moderated 1by the ideas of others.


1. The verb in the ms. is "could bend," in singular, where "could be bent" in the plural seems to be intended.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3098

3098. Some [who were] with me, were raised up thither. They doubted whether in the other life, as in the life of the body, light is given: further, whether the life is superior to that life, which belongs to the body: wherefore they were carried up into paradisiacal societies, and are still there: and they thence spoke with me; but before they can be elevated thither they are prepared by the Lord, so as to be of unanimity [unanimes]; wherefore others who desired it, could not be carried up [auferri], for their ideas are not concordant, nor do they suffer themselves to be so affected that the idea of the rest might bend them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3098 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3098. Illuc aliqui apud me sublati, qui dubitabant an detur lux in altera vita, sicut in vita corporis, tum 1

num sit vita superior ea vita, quae est corporis, quare in paradisiacas societates sublati sunt, et adhuc ibi sunt; et mecum inde loquuti. Sed antequam illuc elevari possunt, praeparantur a Domino, ut unanimes sint, quare alii qui cupiebant non potuerunt auferri, nam ideae non consentientes sunt, nec [illi] se ita affici patientes--quod 2

caeterorum ideas flecteret.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tunc

2. The Manuscript has patientes, quod

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