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《灵界经历》 第3120节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3120

3120. He is greatest in heaven who is the least

[see 1234, footnote]

I spoke with spirits who thought that in heaven the greatest, as on earth, was the most powerful and richest, but I was prompted to reply that the greatest is the one who is the least. It was granted me to illustrate this by the fact that the powerful aspire to earthly happiness through increases of their powers, and the rich by increases of their wealth, and their purpose is to become more blessed thereby, for they desire at heart to possess all enjoyments, this being their goal. Since the least in heaven would have the greatest happiness, it follows hence that he is the greatest. 1748, 10 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3120


(I spoke with spirits, who supposed, to be greatest in heaven, is, as in the world, to be the most powerful and opulent. But it was granted to reply that the greatest in heaven [is he] who [is] least: and [it was] granted to illustrate it by this: that the powerful aspire to earthly felicity, by increasing their power and the rich [by increasing] their riches, and their end is that thus they be more happy: for they desire to thus possess in mind, every pleasantness. This is their end. Since the least in heaven possesses the greatest felicity, it hence follows that he is the greatest. - 1748, September 10.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3120 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3120. Quod maximus in coelo qui minimus [vide loca ad 1[234]

Loquutus cum spiritibus, qui putabant in coelo maximum, esse sicut in terra potentissimum et opulentissimum, sed respondere datum, quod in coelo maximus, qui minimus, et illustrare datum per hoc, quod potentes aspirent ad felicitatem terrestrem, per potentiarum augmenta, et divites per divitiarum, et eorum finis est, ut sic beatiores sint, nam jucunditates omnes sic possidere animo cupiunt, hoc finis eorum; cum minimus in coelo maximam felicitatem haberet, sequitur inde quod maximus. 1748, 10 Sept.

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