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《灵界经历》 第3123节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3123

3123. About a subtle veil

There were spirits high overhead, from the family of sirens, who were operating so secretly that it only became evident after some period of time. They were thinking they were therefore free, because they were subtle, as if in a purer atmosphere. They were told they were not free on that account, and that their greatest subtlety appears to them as it does to others as the greatest subtlety of all. But because they kept on, they were, by a fine veil almost disappearing into a subtler one, led away around the head in a hook-shaped path, and downward. 1748, 11 Sept. They

3123. 1/2. thought they were not evil, as sirens usually do, but I was prompted to tell them that their intention in wanting to be so subtle, was prevailing in all else, and that their intention, or motive, was wanting to be purer than others. So whatever they would do with that motive ruling, is nevertheless all turned into that which gratifies the motive, and consists in looking down on others. 1748, 11 Sept. For they liked to make fun of others, and control them according to their own fantasies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3123


There were spirits hid above the head of the family of sirens, who acted so secretly [latenter] that it was not revealed [pateret] until after some time [moram]. They supposed that thus they are free because subtle, as if in a purer [sphere]. Wherefore [quod] they were told that they are not therefore free, and that their most subtle principle appears to them, like as to others, as the subtlest of all things. But inasmuch as they still continued [pergebant] to act thus), they disappeared as it were into a subtler [principle] [wrapped in] a sort of subtle veil, and were carried away, around the head as if once by one [unius] and downwards.

3123 1/2. They supposed that they were not evil, as is customary with sirens; but it was given to tell them, that the intention for which they wished to be so subtle, prevailed in everything else, which end or intention was that they wished to be purer than others. Wherefore, however they acted, as that end ruled; everything is still turned into such as favors the end, which consists in despising others. - 1748, September 11: for they wished to ridicule others and to rule them according to their phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 3123 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3123. De velo subtili

Erant spiritus alte supra caput, e familia sirenum, qui ita latenter agebant, ut non nisi quam post moram aliquam temporis pateret, putantes quod sic liberi quia subtiles, sicut in puriori, iis dictum, quod ideo non liberi, et quod subtilissimum eorum, appareat iis quod omnium subtilissimum eorum, appareat iis quod omnium subtilissimum sicut aliis, at quia pergebant, velo quodam subtili et in subtilius quasi disparente abducti sunt circum caput, sicut uncus 1

, et deorsum. 1748, 11 Sept. Putabant ii, quod non mali essent, sicut sirenes solent, sed dicere datum eis, quod intentio cur ita subtiles esse vellent, regnaret in caeteris omnibus, quae intentio seu finis erat, ut aliis vellent puriores esse, quare utcunque agerent, regnante eo fine, vertitur usque omne in tale, quod adblanditur 2

fini, quod est in aliorum despectum, 1748, 11 Sept.; nam 3

illudere aliis volebant, et eos regere secundum suas phantasias.


1. sic legimus, contra indicem ad Siren et Velum, ubi unus et in J.F.I. Tafel's edition, ubi unius

2. The Manuscript has ablanditur

3. The Manuscript has Sept: nam

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