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《灵界经历》 第3124节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3124

3124. About discharges in general

The brain has its discharges, and each of the internal organs has its excretions. Some of these serve uses, such as the salivas and biles. Some are cast out as wastes through the pores of the skin and other emunctories, such as the nostrils.

There were certain ones among the excremental spirits of the brain, toward the front rather high up, a little at a distance at the right side of the nose. Whenever they were let go, they brought down spiritual things to earthly ones, and defiled them according to their practice in life, beginning from spiritual qualities and bringing them down to earthly things, and thereby defiling them. The filthier these things were, the more they were sent back to themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3124


(The cerebrum has its excretories, and each of the viscera has its excretion: certain of them serve for uses, for instance the salivas and biles: certain are cast out as excrementitious through the pores of the skin, and other enunctories, as the nostrils. There were certain [spirits] who were among the excrementitious things of the cerebrum, in front above, at a little distance opposite [ad] the right part of the nose. These as often as they had remission, brought down spiritual things to earthly things, and defiled them, according to use in life, beginning with spiritual, and bringing them down to earthly things, and then defiling them [therewith]. The more filthy [earthly] things were, the more they had remission.

Experientiae Spirituales 3124 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3124. De excretoriis in genere

Sunt cerebro sua excretoria, et sunt unicuique visceri sua, quae excernuntur, quaedam eorum inserviunt usibus, sicut salivae, et biles, quaedam ut excrementitia ejiciuntur per poros cutis, et alia emunctoria, ut nares; fuerunt quidam, qui inter excrementios 1

cerebri erant, antrorsum superius paulo ad distantiam [ad] 2

dextram partem nasi, ii, quoties remittebantur, spiritualia deducebant ad terrestria, et conspurcabant, secundum usum in vita, incipiendo a spiritualibus et deducendo ad terrestria, et tunc conspurcando: quae eo spurciora erant, quo magis ad semet remittebantur.


1. The Manuscript has excermentios

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; manuscript

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