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《灵界经历》 第3132节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3132

3132. The auras of spirits and of societies also present themselves through odors

The moment that several spirits draw near, then, the Lord granting it, those who are there perceive what they are like, both the spiritual and the heavenly. This has happened many times, for it is at once imparted what the spirit's life, and what his faith, are like. These same auras are also, when the Lord grants it, presented by odors, also perceptible to spirits, both by odors of plant-life, and by animal odors or various bodily ones. Moreover, there are auras of fright, fear, sadness, anxiety, such as today, on account of which they fled away, also of grandeur, which vary. 1748, 12 Sept. There are also mixed auras of thoughts and feelings, for instance that the dragon cannot

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3132


As soon as any spirits call, then they who are there, the Lord thus allowing, are perceived as to their quality, as well the celestial as the spiritual. This happened many times, for it is immediately insinuated what is the quality of his life and of his faith. The same, when the Lord so allows, are also represented by odors; yea, perceptible [sensibiles] by spirits; as well by odors of vegetable things as by animal odors, or the various [odors] of the body; besides spheres of terror, fear, sadness, anxiety, as [was the case] today, on account of which they fled away; also [the spheres] of greatness of mind, which are various [quae varioe, I think]. - 1748, September 12. There are also mixed spheres of thoughts and affections, for instance,

Experientiae Spirituales 3132 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3132. Quod sphaerae spirituum et societatum etiam per odores sistantur

Illico ac aliqui spiritus appellunt, tunc 1

qui ibi sunt, Domino ita concedente, percipiuntur quales sunt, tam spirituales quam coelestes: quod pluries factum, nam insinuatur illico, qualis ejus vita, et qualis fides; eaedem sphaerae quoque, cum Dominus ita concedit, sistuntur quoque per odores, etiam spiritibus sensibiles: tam per odores rerum vegetabilium, quam per odores animales seu corporis varios; praeter sphaeras terroris, timoris, tristitiae, anxietatis, sicut hodie, propter quas aufugerunt, etiam magnitudinis animi, quae variae 2

. 1748, 12 Sept. Sunt quoque sphaerae cogitationum et affectionum mixtae, sicut quod

(3133.) draco non possit sufferre, cum eum credunt minus dolosum quam alios, et probiorem aliis, quia omnibus imperare cupit [vide 3074], de qua sphaera aliquoties questus est, et se aliunde recepit: in genere sphaeram fidei non tolerare possunt mali spiritus: quare a Domino, sphaerarum perceptio aufertur, diminuitur, et augetur, et sic fugiunt ii spiritus, quibus repugnat: sicut nunc quoque spiritus questus est. Sphaera angelica, dum explorare volunt, quid est, et qualis est, ita penetrat in interiora spiritus, ut vertatur spiritus in tales, et ita apparet, sicut repraesentantur, sicut flammei, albi, nigri, nubes, et plura: tum in animalia, secundum naturam et statum. 1748, 12 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

2. The Manuscript has qui varii

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