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《灵界经历》 第3133节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3133

3133. bear it when they believe him to be less deceitful than others, and more upright, because he desires to be in charge of all [see 3074]. He has complained about this aura several times, and betaken himself elsewhere. In general, evil spirits cannot stand the aura of faith, for which reason the sensitivity to auras is taken away, diminished, or increased by the Lord. And then those spirits flee away to whom an aura is repugnant - for example just now a spirit complained. An angelic aura, when they wish to find out what it is, and what it is like, penetrates so deeply into the inner parts of a spirit, that the spirit is turned into such forms, and appears just as they are portrayed, such as flaming, white, black, clouds, and more; also into animals, according to their nature and state of mind. 1748, 12 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3133

3133. that the dragon cannot bear it, when they believe him to be less deceitful than others, and more upright than others; because he desires to command all; he sometimes complained of that sphere, and betook himself elsewhere; in general evil spirits cannot tolerate the sphere of faith, therefore, the perception of spheres is taken away, diminished and increased by the Lord; and so the spirits to whom it is repugnant fly away as also a spirit now complained. When they wish to explore the angelic sphere, as to what and of what nature it is; it so penetrates the interiors of the spirit that he is turned into such things, and thus appears, as they are represented, like clouds, flamy, white, black, and many things; also into animals according to nature and state. - 1748, September 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3133 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3133. [vide 3132]

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