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《灵界经历》 第3136节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3136

3136. Then someone among the most foolhardy in the world - because he was unable, as he said, to bear the things that had happened to him-aroused by the fear of losing his reputation, about which he had been extremely solicitous in the world, then conceived the plan to seek a different Lord, as certain evil spirits had done previously [cf. 339, 3030], as he was also told, but in vain, being stubborn about going.

So he distanced himself more and more from behind, with the intention of seeking a different Lord and a different heaven, where he could be without such a loss of reputation as was just then tormenting him, along with other things that had occurred that he had to bear before he could come to heaven. So he distanced himself more and more from behind, and did not want to return, even though those sent to him said many things so that he would turn back. The distance was farther from behind than I had thought possible within the space of the grand body.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3136

3136. Then a certain one [from] amongst the extremely audacious in the world, inasmuch as he could not, as he said, endure those things which had happened to him, being excited by fear of the loss of his reputation, which he was very solicitous about in the world, then took counsel to seek another Lord, as certain evil spirits [did] previously; but no matter what was told him; it was in vain, [as he was] obstinate for going, wherefore he withdrew [elongavit se] backwards [a tergo] more and more in mind in order to seek another Lord, and another heaven, where he could be without such loss of reputation, which was all that tormented him, together with other things which happened that he had to endure before he could enter heaven. Wherefore, he withdrew backwards more and more, and did not wish to return, although those sent to him said many things [to induce him] to return. The distance backwards was farther than I supposed could be given within the space of the Grand Man [maximo corpore].

Experientiae Spirituales 3136 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3136. Quidam tunc inter maxime temerarios in mundo, quia non potuit, ut dixit, sustinere ea, quae ei contigerant, excitatus ex timore jacturae suae famae, quam maxime ambivit in mundo, consilium tunc capiebat, ut alium Dominum quaereret, sicut prius quidam mali spiritus [cf. 339, 3[030], quod etiam ei dicebatur, sed incassum, obstinatus eundo, quare etiam se a tergo elongavit magis magisque animo ut alium Dominum et aliud coelum quaereret, ubi posset esse absque tali jactura famae, quae eum solum tunc cruciabat, cum aliis quae obvenerunt, quae sustinere deberet antequam ad coelum posset venire; quare a tergo elongavit se magis magisque, et noluit reverti, tametsi ad eum missi, dicerent plura ut reverteretur; distantia erat longior a tergo, quam autumavi dari posse intra spatium corporis maximi.

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