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《灵界经历》 第3137节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3137

3137. First he came to those who showed him every kindness, so that they would live delightfully among themselves, performing services to each other, having such a life as their goal. Thus their life would be a sweet one, a pretense of friendship on account of pleasant associations. There at first he said he had found others with whom he could live, but I was shown that they were inward magicians, charmers and the like, who are sent there at first when they come from the life of the body so that those kinds of things may be recalled, and then be purged.

I was shown what they were by an angelic gaze into the spirits of this kind. There appeared thin intestines, also bloody, whence I was given to know that such spirits are there behind, at a distance, who indulge in things of this kind so as to live for the only goal, to enjoy the pleasant life. And they suppose that they love one another, but the goal shows what the love is like. In the other life they are also devoted to magical arts, divinations and the like.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3137

3137. At first he came to those who furnished him everything sweet, so that they lived together in delights; thus in performing mutual offices, with such a life for an end, so that their life might be sweet; thus simulated friendships, for the sake of sweet conversations. At first he said that he has there found others with whom he could live. But it was shown me that they were interior magicians, charmers, and the like, who are sent thither at first, when they came from the life of the body, so that similar things might be recalled, in order that they may be finally vastated. That they were of such a nature, was shown me, by means of an angelic view [intuitum] of such things. There appeared attenuated [tenuia] and bloody intestines. Hence was given to know that such are there at a distance backwards, who indulge similar things, so that they live for the sake of the mere end of thus enjoying a sweet life, and thinking they mutually love one another. But the end shows the quality of the love. In the other life, these are also devoted to magic arts, divinations, and the like.

Experientiae Spirituales 3137 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3137. Primum venit ad eos qui omnia dulcia ei praestabant, sic ut viverent in delitiis inter se, ita in officiis praestandis mutuo, ob finem talis vitae, ut vita eorum esset dulcis, ita simulata amicitiae ob conversationes dulces, ibi primum se dixit invenisse alios, cum quibus vivere posset, sed ostensum mihi quod essent magici interiores, fascinatores, et similes, qui illuc primum mittuntur, dum veniunt a vita corporis, ut similia revocentur, ut dein devastentur; ostensum mihi quod tales essent per intuitum angelicum similium, apparuere intestina tenuia, sanguinea quoque, inde scire dabatur quod tales ibi a tergo ad distantiam sint, qui similibus indulgent, ut vivant propter solum finem, ut sic fruantur dulci vita, et se mutuo amare putant, sed finis ostendit qualis amor: ii quoque in altera vita magicis artibus dediti sunt, divinationibus et similibus.

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