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《灵界经历》 第3138节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3138

3138. When he had been told they were like that, and due to the fact that he later in the life of the body became unused to such practices, he came into the mood and nature he had later acquired. So he distanced himself farther and farther from behind, even, as he was told, to the borders of the universe. Then he came into the society of those who said, "To die, or to live, it matters not whether it be life or death," not at all caring whether they lived, or died.

Then he found those who were the farthest arear, and because he was like that in life, he was therefore kept in that acquired nature, now being in his own life, and he shouted for a long time-("kackt folck! kackt folck!" 1) - and those in whom he did not see this quality were worthless in his mind. He ran farther and farther, shouting "kakt folck!" And then it was communicated to me what his life was now like, that his breathing was in the greatest freedom, because he was with those like himself. Because of this, his thought was free, spread about to all with the most relaxed breathing, to the community of all whom he esteemed, as though he were with them as one. Such was his life.


1. Swedish for "brave people! brave people!"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3138

3138. When he was told that they were of such a character, and that as he was unaccustomed in the life of the body to such things [he was so] afterwards, [that] he afterwards came into the soul and nature which he acquired to himself, then he removed himself farther and farther backwards, till he was told [that he was] at the bounds of the universe. He then came into the society of those who said that to die or live is the same, whether life or death, and cared nothing whether they lived or died. He then found such as are farthest backwards, and because [he was] similar in life, he was hence kept in that acquired nature, was then in his own life, and shouted a long time [kackt folck, kackt folck], and those with whom there was perceived no such thing, were of no estimation in his mind; he ran farther, and farther, and shouted kackt folck; and then was communicated to me the quality of his life, which was such, that the respiration was, as it were, in the greatest liberty, because [he was] with such as he is. Hence [came] his free thought [which was] as it were, diffused into all, with the respiration entirely remitted [remississima] into the general principle of all whom he esteemed, as if he might be as one with them. Such was his life.

Experientiae Spirituales 3138 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3138. Cum ei dictum erat, quod tales essent, et ex eo quod desuefactus in vita corporis talibus postea, in animum et naturam veniebat quam postea sibi acquisivit, tunc se longius et longius elongavit a tergo, usque ut diceretur ei ad universi fines; tunc venit in societatem eorum, qui dicebant mori aut vivere, quod perinde, sive vita vel mors, nihil curantes num viverent, vel morerentur, tunc inveniebat tales qui a tergo longissime sunt, et quia similis in vita, in natura ea acquisita inde tenebatur, tunc erat in suamet vita, et clamabat diu ("kackt folck {a}, kackt 1

folck!") et 2

apud quos tale non perceptum, erant nihili in animo ejuu, currebat longius et longius, et clamabat kakt folck {a}, et tunc mihi communicata erat ejus vita qualis erat, quae talis erat ut respiratio esset quasi in summa libertate, quia cum talibus, qualis is; inde libera ejus cogitatio, quasi diffusa in omnes cum remississima 3

respiratione in commune omnium, quos aestimabat, tanquam is esset cum iis sicut unus; talis erat vita ejus.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. The Manuscript has folek: et

3. The Manuscript has remisissima

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