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《灵界经历》 第3149节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3149

3149. Fear pertains to shame, also to reverence

From a live mental image, also from live experience, I have been given to know that those who are devoid of all fear of dangers, as was said of the Foolhardy one earlier [3135-3141], if he had not had in a like degree the fear of losing his fame and name and of whatever would expose him not only to the world, but also to himself, he would have been a urinous excrement so foul that nothing more filthy could be conceived of. For this reason he had such an indescribable fear, which restrained from wandering beyond the limits such a mind as was entirely without fear of death in dangers. For his fear that he might lose the name of bravery was so great, that it was entirely of the same

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3149


From a living idea [and] at the same time from living experience, it was given me to know that they who are devoid of all fear of dangers, as has been already said, concerning an audacious [spirit], unless he had possessed in a like degree the fear of loss of reputation, name, and the like, which would expose him not only in the eyes of the world [mund], but of himself that he would have been such a base urinous excrementitious [principle] that a baser could not be conceived. Wherefore, he possessed such a fear as cannot be described, which restrained from wandering [beyond limits] such a mind, as was completely devoid of fear of death in dangers. For fear of losing the name of bravery [fortitudinis] was so great,

Experientiae Spirituales 3149 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3149. Quod timor sit pudoris, tum reverentiae

Ex viva idea, simul ab experientia viva, scire mihi datum est, quod qui absque timore omnium periculorum 1

sunt, sicut de Temerario prius dictum est [3135-3141], nisi in simili gradu habuisset timorem jacturae famae, nominis, et talium, quae eum exponerent non solum mundo, sed etiam sibi, quod fuisset excrementitium cum urina tam foedum, ut nusquam foedius concipi potuit, quare ei fuit talis timor ut describi nequit, qui continuit eum, ne extravagaretur talis animus, qui prorsus nullius timoris erat in periculis pro morte; nam timor quod amitteret nomen fortitudinis, tantus

(3150.) erat, ut prorsus in simili gradu esset cum eo quod absque timore in mortis discriminibus fuisset, ex quo etiam constare potest, quomodo Dominus eum duxerit, ne foret excrementitium 2

foedius quam usquam aliquis in mundo, quod etiam is agnovit et fassus est quod tale excrementitium inexpressibile fuisset, nisi omnium timidissimus in universo orbe terrarum fuerit. 1748, 14 Sept.

1 ms. perculorum


2. The Manuscript has excrementium

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