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《灵界经历》 第316节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

316.恶灵甚至能进入天堂,因而在属天堂的人中间。我通过活生生的经历获知,来自地狱团伙的恶灵也能进入天堂,在那里的人中间;他们以为他们能通过自己想出来的诡计做到这一点,我还蒙允许听见这些诡计。因为他们以为我不明白他们的阴谋诡计,但我能听见并看见它们:他们密谋了自以为能安全进入的一条途径。放弃这条途径后,他们似乎又找到了另一条途径,他们也的确通过该途径升上去了,我同样通过感官感知到这一点。但正如我之前(参看307, 314节)被指教的,那时,他们被一个属灵气场围绕,这气场使他们只知道自己现在因身在天堂而享受天堂的喜乐。然而,这一切是经过允许的,这个天堂的天使当时并不知道这些灵人在场。但是,如果这些灵人当中有任何一个被剥夺这个照着各人心智的状态而被调整,而且每时每刻都在变化的气场,那么甚至连最远处的天使也无法忍受他的靠近,更不用说他的进入了,因为这会造成如此大的寒冷,以致他们根本不可能在一起。我还被恩准觉知并感受这种寒冷。(1747年12月8日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 316

316. Evil spirits can even enter into heaven, thus be among the heavenly

By actual experience I learned that evil spirits from the devil's gang can also enter into heaven and be among those who are there and, as they believe, can do this by means of tricks that they think up - something I was also granted to hear. For they thought that I did not understand their intrigues, but I was enabled to hear and see them.

Their plotting was about a way by which they imagined they could safely enter. One method they turned down, another they seemed to themselves to discover, by which, in fact, they did ascend.

This I perceived also by sense; but as I had been taught previously [307, 314], they are then surrounded by a spiritual field, which makes them unable to tell otherwise than that they are now in heavenly joy, because of being in heaven. But these are cases of permission, and the angels of that heaven are not aware at the time that such spirits are there. But if any one of those spirits were deprived of the spiritual field adapted to each one's state of mind - and also changing at every moment - then the angels even from very far off would not be able to bear their approach, much less that they should enter, because it causes such coldness that they could never be together. This coldness it was also granted me to be conscious of and to feel plainly. 1747, the 18th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 316


By living experience I learnt that evil spirits from the devil's crew can also enter heaven and be among those who are there, and they suppose they can do so by means of the deceits thought out by them, which deceits it was also granted me to hear; for they supposed that I did not understand their machinations, but it was given me to hear and to perceive them: thus they discussed the way by which they supposed they could enter safely. Having rejected one way, it seemed to them that they had found another, by which they also ascended, which likewise I sensibly perceived. But, as I have learnt before [see nos. 307, 313, they are then surrounded by such a spiritual sphere that they know no otherwise than that they are then in heavenly joy, because in heaven. This, however, is also by permission. The angels in that heaven do not know at the time that such spirits are present; for if anyone were deprived of that spiritual sphere, accommodated according to every state, and even varied each moment, angels at the greatest distance would then be unable to bear his approach, still less that he should enter, for the cold would be so great that they could not exist at all. It was also granted me manifestly to perceive and feel this cold. 1747, Dec. 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 316 (original Latin 1748-1764)

316. Quod mali spiritus etiam in coelum possunt intrare, ita interesse coelestibus

Per experientiam vivam edoctus sum, quod spiritus mali, ex turba diaboli, etiam possunt intrare in coelum, ac iis interesse, et ut [ab] 1

iis putatur, per dolos ab iis excogitatos,quos etiam audire mihi concedebatur, nam putabant quodeorum machinationes non intelligere 2

sed dabatur eas 3

quod audire et percipere 4

ita agebatur de via per quam intrare se tuto putabant, unam rejiciebant, aliam videbaturiis, [se] invenire, per quam etiam ascendebant, quod quoque sensu percepi, sed ut prius edoctus sum [307, 314], tunc circumdantur tali sphaera spirituali, ut ii non aliter sciant quam quod tunc in coelesti gaudio sint, quia in coelo; verum haec quoque permissive, angeli in eo coelo nec tunc sciunt,quod tales spiritus ibi sunt; si enim quisquam privaretur sphaera spirituali accommodata secundum omnem statum, etiam variata unoquovis momento, tunc angeli e longinquissimo non possunt sustinere accessionem, minus quod intret, quia tantum frigoris est, ut nusquam possunt [una] esse, quod frigus etiam mihi concedebatur manifeste percipere et sentire. 1747, die 8 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ea

4. vide annotationem 6 mox supra

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