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《灵界经历》 第3163节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3163

3163. This morning I spoke with those again who in the night, as they say, had spoken as if with me, but I was prompted to say that I had been asleep, so they [must have spoken] with others. Now I also realize that they do have a general perception, not a vague one, but if I may say, a lucid one of everything that comes forth in my thought, so that by them, better than by others, man can be led. For just as the general states of thought are varied, so also are those of the particulars, because these go back to the general, as they also follow from the general, which is obvious from many things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3163

3163. This day early, I again spoke with them: who, as they say, likewise spoke with me, [during] the night, but it was given to say that I was in sleep, so [that they must have spoken] with others. I now also perceive [that they had] a general perception - not obscure, but as I may so say, a lucid [perception] of all that exists in my thought: so that man can be better led by them than by others; for the general states of thought, so also of particulars, are, as it were varied, because they are referred [related] [referunt se], to the general [principle], like as they also follow from the general. This can be evident from many things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3163 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3163. Hodie mane cum iis iterum loquutus, qui nocte, ut ajunt, loquuti sicut mecum, sed dicere datum quod in somno fuerim, sic cum aliis; nunc quoque percipio, quod perceptionem communem non obscuram sed ut ita dicam lucidam [habeant] omnium eorum quae in cogitatione mea existunt; sic ut per eos melius quam per alios duci queat homo, nam sicut variantur communes cogitationis status, ita quoque particularium, quia haec se referunt ad commune, sicut etiam sequuntur a communi, quod multis constare potest.

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