3164. There are those who relate to the general inner sense in man, and indeed not the general sensation of the bodily memory or personal matters, but that of the next deeper memory. But where they come from I do not know-I was prompted to weigh whether there are spirits like them on our planet, and to conclude more or less that there are, but who have a vague mental image or general notion. Whether they are able after death to come into such a distinct general consisting of many, is not yet evident to me. I sense that they maintain they are from a different planet in the sky, but they do not say so, only feel so.
3164. These are they who represent [referunt] the internal general sense in man, yea, the general sense, not [pertaining] to the corporeal memory, that is, to particulars: but the general [sense] of the memory next interior. But whence they are I do not know. It was granted me to consider [expendere] whether similar [spirits] are given in our earth, and to conclude, as it were, that the like are given, but are such as are in an obscure general idea or notion. It is not yet clear to me whether these can come after death into such general [idea] of many things. I perceive that they wish to be [considered] in heaven as from another world. But they do not say so they only perceive [so].
3164. Sunt ii qui referunt sensum communem internum in homine, et quidem sensum communem non memoriae corporeae hoc est particularium, sed communem memoriae proxime interioris; sed unde sunt non scio, expendere mihi datum, num imiles dentur in nostra tellure, et concludere quasi, quod similes dentur, sed qui sunt in idea seu notione communi obscura, num ii post mortem in talem communem distinctam plurium possint venire nondum mihi constat; percipio quod velint se esse ab alia tellure in coelo; sed non id dicunt, modo percipiunt.